Chapter 16

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Anabeth was just walking along the beach. It reminded her so much of him, in fact everything reminds her of him. She so missed him. She missed him deeply. She hates Nick for the damage he has done in her life. But Nothing can Change the past events now. He's gone and she is broken.

It All happened by the claws of a wicked man. She would have faced an army of monsters, then to face that same event. She felt horrid by it, weak. She let a spell take over her in every possible way. Weirdest part is that she can not remember what she did to Percy. She does not have a clue of what she did to him, all she knows is that he definitely hates her. She would hate herself too.

Now she has to marry a wicked man. Nick is dumb yes, but he's not stupid. Why act the part? She does not know. Something about him is a mystery, he's hiding something. Something bad. But even so, the marriage is more then done. Zesus seems urgent for it to happen, and Athena seems as thou she cannot wait another day. And mostly all the gods side with Zesus, it's a done deal.

"So much for my happy family" she mumbled as she threw a rock.

"I get your upset,but.." she turned and saw the commander. He had a simple grey shirt. Perfectly tracing is muscles. He had a nickless, a chain. But the shirt covered it. He had dark jeans, with a belt on his leg along with a gun. He had combat bouts, black. He didn't have his cape, you could see his perfectly tan shade on his skin. The muscles in his arms. He's hair was dark brown with little gold in the front. He seemed as thou he went for a run, because of the sweat and heavy panting. Wired, with Jeans? He wore his mask. Part of his face, not showing. But she could see his eyes, quit clearly. They were sea green but there was more to it. You could see the stars, they were beautiful.

He smirked, " you really have to take it out on a rock"
"Sorry. I- uh, didn't know people would be up this early" she said
"A child of Athena, not knowing. That's a first" the commander smirked
"Commander, you smirk a lot" Anabeth sighed as she sat down, in the sand. Just the tip of her toes touching the water.
"Do I now?" He said. With what seemed an amused look.
"Yea..." Anabeth said

She heard the commander sighed, he then sat next to her. She did not know this feeling, she wished she knew what he has done to her. It almost feels as thou she is with Percy. He didn't look at her, just the water. Some how she felt close to him. Very close. Like she can trust him with the world. It seems insane, it does. He had something familiar, warmly familiar.

"Now i am no psychologist, but you seem like if you had better days" the commander said
"Far many like these are coming, thats for sure" Anabeth said, I am marrying nick,it'll be a living hell.
"I see.."
"Do you think the war will end quickly?"
"I will do everything in my power for that to happen"
"I wish you wouldn't because then." Anabeth shivered
"Because then..?"
"I'll have to marry a man I don't love, I'll be unhappy for the rest of my life with nick. My child will grow up with a hateful step-father and me living knowing that the man I love hates me" anabeth caried "my life will be a miss, all because a simple liquid"
" if you hate the idea of marrying that idiot, then why go along with it" the commander said in what seemed a spiteful tone.
"I have to. I swore on the river on synx and gods seem more then thrilled" anabeth said a bit annoyed.

The commander looked at her. What he felt he did not know. But watching her cry, All he knows is that he wants to protect her.

"I will protect you, that I give you my word" he said softly

Anabeth shivered, only felt that shiver with one person in her entire life. Percy. Now this man, just his words, the way in which he speaks to her. Makes her body shiver. Why? she did not know. But she was foolish to even have a drop of hope. Why would the prince of the universe, soon to be king, even think about a girl like her. He already has his eyes on that one girl in his group, they seem official by the way she looked at them the other day she was training with Jason. And the more mary reason is because she still loves Percy.

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