Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"How did you-"

"Adam's skin is as pale as yours. I want answers Natalie."

"W-Well... I kidnapped them because, don't take this personally, but I hate the fact you have a child you actually want, and I want revenge on Toby. I don't really know how I survived. And, I don't want to raise that annoying brat with that pervert of a gamer."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Getting revenge on Toby seemed understandable, but kidnapping your daughter cause she hates her? And avoiding Adam because she wants nothing to do with him and Ben? Ben wasn't a pervert. Not around you, anyways. This lady makes Jeff look like a happy little care bear. But somehow, you started seeing a slight (F/C) colour. But there was something else about it too. It looked like fabric. A bandanna type of material? You could also see a few silhouettes. 2 were tied to a chair and the third was in front of you. You put a hand in front of your bandanna and you could see it through the bandanna. You took off the bandanna and opened your eyes. You could see? Oh my Zalgo, you could see!

"Y... Your e-eyes... They're black and red!!" Clocky yelled. You clutched your katana and swung it at her. You hit her arm, leaving a deep cut. She screeched and stumbled back. You smiled. You charged at her and cut a layer of skin off her her leg. She fell. You pointed the sword were the empty husk known as her "heart" was. She looked at you, her green eye filled with fear.

"Please (Y/N)... Don't do it! I'm begging you! I will never hurt you again, I swear!"

"Your heart is just like every single promise you make. Broken and empty."

"L-Look. I-I'll join the CPs again. I'll help Ben with Adam. I'll leave you and your family alone. Just please! I don't wanna die!"

You thought about it for a moment. Would you really trust her? I mean, after all she's done to you and your family, could you really? You came to a conclusion.

"Okay Natalie. But if you even think about harming my friends and family, I will have no hesitation, nor would I have mercy. Remember that."

"T-Thank you! Thank you so so so so much!"

You untied Toby and Ariam. Toby just stared into your eyes.

"She wasn't kidding. Your eyes look like Lost Silver's. Completely black with red pupils."

Once you got home you looked in the mirror. Those once lovely (E/C) orbs that were blooming with life were now midnight black with blood red pupils that could see into the very soul of someone in front of you. But you did admit, they really did look like Lost's. You didn't understand it. Clocky appeared to be doing what she promised. Probably since you knew she doesn't want to meet your sharp katana.

"(Y/N)? You coming to bed? It's pretty late." you heard Toby say. You walked to the bed and got under the covers. An hour after you fell asleep, you felt something shuffling and squirming under the blankets. You looked and saw Ariam.

"What are you doing Ariam? It's way past your bedtime." you said in a weary and exhausted voice.

"I know Mommy. But I'm scared the clock girl is gonna get me."

You patted your daughter's head.

"It's okay sweetie. She won't hurt you." you cooed softly. Ariam nodded her head and laid down on your bed. You fell asleep with Ariam clinging to you for safety. Yet that oh-so-familiar feeling of dread and suspicion poked at your thoughts. Why do your eyes look like Lost Silver's?

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