Chapter 19

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Drei's eyes fluttered open weakly, he was greeted by the wooden wall of the mystery shack. Wait, what? Wasn't he just outside...? The golden eyed boy blinked blearily, rolling over on the bed that he never remembered getting into, then grimaced. His head ached painfully, sheesh, what the heck happened- Drei's eyes widened when his mind was flooded with memories of the past day.

Dipper went crystal crazy, Gideon attacked Drei, and Zwei...

Drei's eyes filled with tears and he covered his mouth with a bandaged hand, as if that would block the sob threatening to escape his throat. His brother was gone again, he was taken right after Drei got him back. The boy let out a shaky, soft sob, his head ached again, but Drei couldn't do anything about it, he was too busy crying.

You don't need to cry, little brother. We're definitely going to see each other again, okay? We all just need to hide for a little while.

It wasn't fair, why did Zwei give himself away like that? Why did he have to do that?

More sobs escaped the golden eyed boy, and he sat up, ignoring the pain it caused. He staggered to his feet and stumbled towards the door of the attic, but Drei was too weak, and fell to the floor, causing a loud thud.

"What the-...Kid?!" Drei heard a surprised voice from Dipper's bed, but ignored it, trying to crawl to the door. "Hey, kid! Wait! Drei!" Someone picked Drei up from the ground, their arms wrapped around his waist.

"N-no!" the human journal protested, trying to escape their grip. "L-let go! I need to get h-him back! Let go!"

The person carried him to Dipper's bed and set him down, Drei tried to get back up and run, but strong hands on his shoulders wouldn't let him. Tears continued to spill from Drei's eyes as he looked up at the person. Stan stared down at him sadly.

"Kid, you need to calm down. Breathe, okay?" the man said, and Drei was surprised at how gentle his voice was, like he was genuinely worried. Drei sniffled, sitting up and nodding. He tried his best to calm down, his tears slowed, but he still couldn't stop crying. Stan sighed softly, patting Drei on the back comfortingly. "Mabel, she told me what happened."

Drei's head snapped up, eyes wide in shock. Mabel, what? She told Stan everything? That meant Stan knew what Drei was?

"You finally found your brother, but he was in some gang-like group, right?" Stan asked for clarification. Drei was taken aback slightly, and blinked in confusion. Stan looked down at him. "They beat you and Dipper up?"

Drei stared at him for a long moment. Okay, so Mabel covered it up with a pretty darn good lie, but... Zwei was anything but some punk kid that joined a gang.

"He's not like that!" Drei blurted out defensively, Stan looked at him in surprise. "My brother- He's not... S-some jerk teenager..."

"Of course he's not," Stan agreed, "But, he is making really bad decisions. Joining some group like that, it's never good. And then running off with them after they beat you and Dipper." the older man shook his head again, sighing. "Those mistakes are going to come back and haunt him."

Drei stared at Stan for a moment longer before turning away, hugging his legs and burying his face in his knees. "I-It's just... not fair...!" he choked out, tears flowing once again. "Why did he have to...? Why...? I-I just got him ba-back... a-and now he's... g-gone...!" Drei felt a comforting arm wrap around him, bringing him into a tight embrace. The human journal clutched onto Stan, sobbing into the man's shirt. Yeah, it was embarrassing, but Drei really didn't feel like caring right now. There was no one else that was there to comfort him, his brothers were gone, he was pretty much alone. He was all alone.

Drei cried harder, hugging Stan tighter as the man rubbed his back comfortingly.

"It'll be alright, kid." he said softly. "I know it hurts, but it'll all be okay. I promise."


Zwei collapsed onto the wooden floor as he was released from his book form. He glared back at Gideon, who was smirking triumphantly.

"Now, let's get down to business," the show boy said, "Find something in your pages that will help me get my hands on that Mystery Shack."

Zwei cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you even need that shack for?" he questioned. Gideon only smiled wider, which sent a shiver down the human journal's spine. What was this freaky kid planning?

"What better way to tear down the Pines family, then take away their foundation?"

A/N: Short chapter, I know. And I made you guys wait a week or so for this last part of the story arc too *nervous laughter*

Anywho! The next episode will be out soon (I hope...) and I hope you enjoyed this episode! And it took so long to finish omg XD

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