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Hello boys and girls and hopefully not old men and women because that's kinda unsettling, tis the great writer ( yea ok ) sir. I'm not saying my name cuz my friends are into smut. Also I'm a girl. In this story you will be going camping with your crush (and soon to be boyfriend) and end up sharing a tent because the other one broke and you needed some place to stay. Enjoy! Also I'll be writing a fluff version of this eventually because the idea is super cute In my opinion.

You and your crush/bestfriend (c/n) were going camping this holiday break. You could hardly wait. You were up all night thinking of what you'd let (c/n) do to your body. Loads of things. You'd wanted it so damn long you started to wonder...will it ever happen...will he everfuck me senselessly won't he. will we grow up and be aunts and uncles to each other's  children? (A/n in my family close friends of my parents are aunts and uncles) will your children call him uncle (c/n) or daddy. You wished you could call him daddy... (A/N IM SO SORRY THAT WAS TERRIBLE SJDJSJSJD)

You'd known him since you were in the fourth grade and he was in the fifth. Now you were in the eleventh grade and he was in the twelfth; eight years. Eight fucking years and you still hadn't made a move. Nor has he. You were hoping  SOMETHING would happen on this trip. Something small even, a kiss on the cheek, hand holding. Anything to let you know that he likes you too.

You think he might like you back; anytime you walk by his group of friends they all laugh at him and tease him. They've always told you he liked you and you always denied it without stopping what you were doing, thinking he was trying to trick you, like always... He always played tricks on you, whether it was making you think he had cancer, or faking his death. Yea. Those sound bad but that's (C/n) for you I guess...

You'd started to pack at 4:30 in the morning, you packed a sexy two piece bathing suit with too many strappy things and too much skin showing. You figured he might like that.. Although you hated it. Around 5:45 you fell asleep and you felt like you were woken up nearly 5 minutes later. Although It'd been 4 hours. "Wake up sleepy head"
(c/n) said in a sing song voice. You groaned, "go away you bloody waker upper. What are you? My mum?" You said half asleep (A/NI'm American but I just watched all the Harry Potter movies and I can't stop reading things in a British accent?)  "calm down you meanie" he said in a little kid voice. You threw a pillow at him and he sighed; he then walked over to your bed "don't make me do this" he said smirking. With no warning he pulled the covers off you to reveal you in nothing but your underwear. You screamed from the cold and the fact that (c/n) is seeing you in your underwear "shit I'm sorry (y/n).." He said throwing the covers back on you whilst closing his eyes. "There's only one way I'll forgive you." You say "oh and what's that" he said flirtily, expecting something at least slightly sexual. "LET. ME. S L E E P." You say loudly. "nooo" he said whining, "c'moooonnnn" he said, still whining. "Ugh fine" you say.

You get up, and attempt to get dressed but when you get up c/n screams "Y/N!!" You shrug. "It's just like a swim suit kid." He walks out of the room. Still in awe about seeing you in your underwear.  You put on a Pastel pink shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch and some black yoga pants with the little mesh stuff running down the sides and some mint green vans. You put your (y/h/c) in a messy bun (or whatever hairstyle you do super quick) and put on some light natural make up (A/Nthe girl I'm imagining is heckin hot) you grab your luggage and put it in the car. (C/N)  sees you and try's not to let his jaw break from opening it too wide. "Uh... R-ready?" He stammers. Still staring. You nod.

You get in the car (b/f) let you borrow. S/he put some condoms in a cup holder in the back 'just in case'. (c/n) doesn't let you drive because last time you did you almost hit a squirrel and he can't have that happen again. You talk for 2/4 hours of the drive and then fall asleep.  (C/N) did not like this and was very grumpy when you woke up.

~Time Skip~

You awake in the car, arrived at *insert popular camping place in your county/state/city* C/N is setting up the tents. You watched him, hard at work with his shirt off showing his nice toned body. You wished you could get on that body stop it. Why you gotta be like this you think to yourself. He had a hard time not falling. He dodged every fall but then... A rock..

He glances at you and walks over to the car, head drooping like a guilty puppy who just ate your new shoes. "Your tent broke..." He says guiltily "you're gonna have to sleep in mine, with me..". I love that stupid rock you think to yourself trying to play it cool. "Uhm, ok.." You say trying not to sound eager. "Well. Let's get to camping!". You guys go swimming in the lake, fishing, get about 100000 miquito bites at dinner, and roasting marshmallows. Soon you both decide it's time to go to bed. "Hey, I should've warned you earlier but.. This is a one room tent." C/N. "Kid, we've slept in the same twin sized bed because your dick of a friend got drunk and took the couch and the other one almost died from eating too much and slept in the guest room. I think we can handle this" you say Chuckling at him.

You put on your sexy PJs, black spandex and a vEry tight olive tank top. He's wearing nothing but boxers. Cute, I'm glad it not tightly whities like my ex-boyfriend. You try not to chuckle at the thought of your ex in his tightly whities. He gets in the tent. Stares at you, and tries to act like he wasn't 'loOking'.

It's 1:30 AM and you're just about to fall asleep when C/N whines "I can't sleeep". You sit up smirking, "I got something we could do..." He blushes, you wouldn't be surprised if he brought condoms himse- he pulled out a condom. "PREPARED MUCH C/N?" You laugh. "Ha ha very funny Y/N". Uou both get up. He slams you into a kiss and begs for entrance into your mouth. He basically jabbed his tongue on your lips like a sword and you let him win. You felt his bulge grow against your thighs. He starts taking off your shirt but stops to ask "you ok with this?" "Yes dum dum" you say chuckling.

He continues kissing you and takes off your shirt. He stares at your (y/f/c) bra and takes it off. Your breasts were stung by he cold and were instantly warmed by (c/n) attacking them. He traced the nipple with his tongue and lightly nibbled. He stopped for a split second, "this is your first time, isn't it?" He asks. "Oh..yeah" you respind, embarrassed. "I'll make sure to be careful but you're in for a ride". "Ooooh. Cocky icee" you say chuckling. He smirks, "oh trust me... I have the right". He begins to take off your spandex and attacks your womanhood. He traces eights on your clit softly with the tip of his tongue. You began to palm his cock.

"Are you ready" he says smirking. "Yes sir" you say saluting. He chuckles. He takes off his boxers and his dick immediately slaps his stomach. He slowly enters the head into your womanhood. You felt some pain but not too bad. He slowly welter deeper and deeper, you wince at the pain but let it go. "Do you need me to stop? I'll stop if you need me to. Just let me kn-" I cut him off "it's ok. I'll be fine." soon pain turns to pleasure he looks at you for approval to move and you nod. he begins thrusting. you're both letting out a string of moans consisting of  "y/n you feel so good" "oh my god c/n you're so big" "y/n I love you!" "I love you too c/n" soon enough you begin to reach your high. "fuck me!" "what do you think I've been doing?" he smirks "funny" you resume

"y/n I'm about to cum!" "me too!" he lets out one last strong thrust and pulls out and releases on your chest.

"y/n I was serious. I love you. I have for a long time. be my girlfriend?" you reply "ok first of all I love you more. second of all, duh!" he laughs. you eventually fall asleep and wake up to c/n holding you, I guess now I can call him daddy. huh.

A/N: hey non existent people. hope you liked it. I sure did wink wonk. tell me what you think. do you want more of this? it's kinda bad idk. requests are open!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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