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Sakura's POV

It was 2 days after Hinata got home and told us about being clan head. of course, we were very happy for her. Our little, innocent and cute Hina-chan has grown into a beautiful and wonderful kunoichi and mother..

Hinata was training with her father now and she took Shizuko-chan with her because Hanabi wanted to spend time with her.

Right now, Tenten was with Neji and Shou in the dojo, Ino was with Shikamaru and Yasu on top of the hill where Shika always cloud gazes meanwhile, I'm here in the living room with the twins and Sasuke, who was reading a scroll, doing nothing.

"Let's go on a picnic! Just the 4 of us! It's sooo boring here!" Hana exclaimed

"That's a great idea! I'm gonna go and prepare food for the picnic.." I said going to the kitchen

"I'll help!" Hana said getting up

No ones POV

"Not even asking us if we wanted to..hmp.." Daichi muttered

Hana stuck her tongue out at her brother and proceeded to walk to the kitchen...

He sighed and shook his head

"Ya know... You should really be used to this...since you know..your mother is Sakura and she has a mini-her.." Sasuke looked up from the scroll he was reading...

"I am...What are you reading?"

"Fire Jutsus.." Was the only reply

After a few minutes, mother and daughter returned...

"Well, let's go.." Sakura said cheerfully

Both boys sighed and just followed Sakura and Hana

At the meadow...

Sakura already spread out the blanket with the help of Hana.

The small family were already eating but everything froze when Sakura placed a container with sliced tomatoes in front of the two boys...

Sasuke stared....

Daichi stared...

They both stared...

And then...

Sasuke grabbed one and ate it. Daichi did the same until there was only one slice left. The two stared at eachother...

"There's only one way to settle this..." Daichi stated


"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Daichi- scissors


Daichi smirked.

Sasuke's eye twitched as Daichi reached out to grab the tomato...only to grab.....nothing!

"Hana.." Daichi growled

"Yes, nii-San?" Hana asked innocently...perhaps a little too innocent

"Give it."

"No!" Hana said childishly

"Give it!"

"No!" Hana screamed and started running

Daichi, uncharacteristically, chased her around

This happened for a good 5 minutes until Hana swallowed the slice of tomato...

Daichi sulked and sat down, brooding.

" get upset over the weirdest things...." Hana commented

He was still brooding. Hana sighed

"Don't worry, Kaa-San brought another one..."

"Hn." was all that was said before he stood up and walked to Sakura and then ate the tomato slices...

Hana sweatdropped...

"How did you know that that would happen?" Sasuke asked the girl beside him

"Just a hunch.."


After a few hours of talking, eating and some others things, the family went back home...

Hana's POV

We were almost at home but because impatient me just had to run ahead, here I am lost in Konoha....

I sighed and then tried to ask for directions....keyword: TRIED

"Umm..Excuse me." I tried to ask a man but he ignored me

"Uh..pardon me.." I asked a lady with.... a little too much make-up...bit just got ignored again

I sighed...

This was going to be hard

I was walking around, trying to find a familiar place hoping it would lead me home, when a hand covered my mouth and took me to a dark alley...

I tried to scream but his hand was still covering my mouth...

"Hello, little girl..." a creepy voice slowly said

I was scared, really scared...

"Aww...Is the little Uchiha brat scared?"

'Uchiha? What is he talking about?' I thought, confused..

He must've noticed my confusion and took his hand off my mouth. He smirked.

"You don't even know who you are...Pathetic..." I tried to move but his grip was strong...

"I-I don't know who you are b-but...I think y-you have t-the wr-wrong girl...Please, let me go.." I stuttered

He scoffed

" You think I'd believe you? Don't make me laugh..."

I was already quivering in fear...

"Aww..poor little Hana...No one will save you...They are probably happy that your gone. They probably aren't even looking for you..."

"N-no! They'll come! They'll come to save me! I know they will!" I screamed, trying to convince myself that everything will be okay..

"I doubt that.." he said

'Kaa-san, Nii-san, Sasuke-san, Shou-kun, anyone..Please help me..' I thought as a tear slid down my face..


A/N: I know... really long may lecture me but don't kill me..Otherwise, there won't be a story..Soo, you can't do anything to me...yet..Great, I'm scared now..T-T

I JUST found out that me, Konohamaru and LeBron James had the same birthday....Wow...

Anyways that's all for now..


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