1 math partners

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" Dude you've got to stop staring at him " Jihoon told Vernon as he closed his locker. "I know but I mean look at him. He's just so perfect like hOW?" Vernon explained to jihoon "meh I've seen better" he said with no emotion whatsoever "oh yeah? The soonyoung guy? When are you gonna stop staring at him? Hmm?" Vernon smirked at his hyung knowing his hyung won't be able to beat that "when you talk to seungkwan" shit. He won. Vernon thought to himself. "Fuck off jihoon I gotta get to math class" Vernon said as he walked away from the older male who was smirking. As he walked into class he saw seungkwan laughing with his friends namely seokmin, and soonyoung. Seungkwan was laughing at something soonyoung had said and Vernon couldn't help but smile. His smile is so beautiful and his laugh sounds like music like Holy shit. Oh my god he looked this way shit shit shit act natural. Vernon was about to wave when the teacher Ms. Park walked in and screamed at the class to be quiet. "Alright everybody I have decided that this year I'm making pairs, yes they will be your pair for the whole year, no you can't change them." Everyone groaned, "Alright so, First lets go through the name list say 'here' if I call your name." "Boo Seungkwan?" She asked "Here" seungkwan said loud and clear "Ji Emilia?" "Here" "Yoon Jeonghan?" "Here" the long haired male said before turning back to talk to his friend who clearly wasn't paying attention but rather reading the Bible. "Choi Seungcheol?" "Here" the black haired male said before rolling his eyes and going back to fidgeting with his leather jacket. "Seo Johnny?" "Here" "Jeon wonwoo?" "Here" the deep voiced Boy replied before going back to reading his book. "Hansol Chwe?" Vernon almost fell off his chair. Barely anyone called him Hansol anymore, oh well. "Uhhh here but I prefer Vernon..." he said rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Ms. Park nodded and went on with the name list as Vernon put his earphones back in listening to Drake's Hotline bling and wrote lyrics. Shit this class got more boring since last year. Ughh oh well I guess I could just sleep sometimes not like it'd bother the teacher. He felt a tap on his shoulder. His head never moved that fast in his life as he looked up (almost breaking his neck in process) only to see Seungkwan. "Uhhh.... yes?" He replied his voice cracking now you've done it you asswipe *facepalm* "we're kinda partners in math now... I'm - I'm seungkwan it's nice to meet you" Seungkwan said smiling "it's nice to meet you too I'm vernon or Hansol I guess" "well see you soon Vernon bells 'bout to ring" and with that He left not knowing how perfect he looked even just leaving the room in Vernon's eyes.

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