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Group chat has been created

Deadpool has joined group chat

Deadpool has invited Tony, RJ, Steve, Nat, Wanda, and Peter to the chat

Deadpool: I'M BACK BITCHES!!!

Steve: NOPE

Steve has left group chat

Deadpool: >~<

Me: Did you meet my other me?

Deadpool: yep you guys are almost exactly the same

Me: sweet

Tony: What?

Deadpool: I went to another dimension

Tony: How?!

Deadpool: Idk

Deadpool: ask the author

Nat: Who?

Deadpool: nevermind

Deadpool: I know you're there Petey~♡

Peter: Damn

Tony: Don't let capsicle here you say that

Nat: You be telling him to stop

Me: obviously the author doesn't care

Nat and Tony: WHAT AUTHOR?!?!

Deadpool: Why r-

I interrupt: Random voices in his head said there's an author

RJ as switched to private mode with Deadpool

Tony: What do you think they're talking about

Peter: I gave up trying to figure out anything does or says

Tony: Only thanks to your mom

Peter: 0.0

Tony: ya know Nat over here


Peter: :(

Nat: Not that I don't love you Pete

Peter: YAY!!

Tony: Whatever Bruce needs some help with a new quartez reactor (A/N I don't if that's even real)

Tony has left the group chat

RJ has exited private mode

Me: So Tony left?

Nat: yeah he needed to help Bruce with some reactor thingy

Peter: I need to go Aunt May needs help around the apartment

Deadpool: Should I come help~♡

Peter: NO

Nat: you're not gone yet?

Deadpool: hmph fine then

Deadpool has left the group chat

Peter: I should go Bye!!

Peter has left the chat

Nat: wanna go get coffee

Me: Tequila sounds better right now

Nat: agreed

Nat has left the group chat

RJ has left the group chat

A/N If you want to understand some of what's going on go check out 'We're screwed' in my street punks group chat. If you want your OC in either one just let me know😉

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