Chp 4

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Chp 4
Time to become a shinobi !

Third pov
It's 7 in the morning , Naruto had woke up from his sleepless dream and fresh himself up. After he had change into a black shirt with uzumaki symbol and a normal black pants for training .As soon as he done changing, he akes a pouch for keeping kunais or shurikens and sneaks out from his window . He had made sure that he doesn't alarm anyone before he makes his way to the uchiha.

Uchiha compound
When Naruto reach in front of the door, he see Fugaku and Mikoto come out prepared. "Ready to test it out , Naru-chan?" "Yea- I mean yes." Naruto said with a smile , Mikoto reply him with a slight confused and smile face. 'Control my emotions! Can't get so hyper!' Naruto thought. "Let's go then." Fugaku said as they walk to the academy together. Along the way, Naruto ask a request for the female uchiha . "Ne, aunt Mikoto, can you don't call me Naru-chan when I'm with anybody , especially tou-san and kaa-chan ?" "Are you embarrassed? N-a-r-u-c-h-a-n?" Mikoto tease the embarrassed blond. "Just call me Naruto, Kay?" "Ok , I get it , I get it." Mikoto said as they continue make their way to the academy. What they don't know is , the true purpose of this was Naruto think that the nickname doesn't deserve for him anymore.


At the Academy
The three figures walk into the classroom with a teacher. In the classroom , all the fresh genins who just got the hitai-ite yesterday. "Why are we here so early again?" "It's still unfair that the uchiha is a HUGE step ahead from us!" "He's a prodigy , you dummy! Anyway, did you heard that the a new student is going to come to our class and be genin like us?" "Probably just some outcast from the other villagers!"

"*cough* ahem , class , QUIET DOWN!" The teacher use big head no jutsu at the last part. Surprisingly, it work! The two uchiha and the blond sweat drop as the teacher laugh sheepishly to get away embarrassment.A boy with dark blue hair suddenly yell, "Hey kid , did you enter the wrong classroom? Ha!" The class immediately fill with laughter. To their astonishment, the blonde remain emotionless. "Quiet! Naruto is going to take a test that exactly like you guys, if he pass , he will become a three man squad with one of you , get it?!" The teacher yell . "But! Sensei , he's just ... I don't know 5? Or something, he's too young to become a shinobi!" A boy with dark brown hair yell and cause Mikoto glares at her. The boy quiet down immediately and secretly pray for his life. "Young or not, we'll see the result together, and I mean Together." The whole class nod as Naruto watch in amusement even tho he doesn't show it. "So Naruto , please take a seat and I shall give you the test paper." Naruto follow the sensei's order and sit beside a random boy.

The sensei hands Naruto a test paper. As soon as Naruto started, the class whisper it immediately. "Oh great , how would a kid like him know any history or knowledge?" "This is sooooooo gonna be boring!" "I think he's cute!"

Like that the whispers last no longer than 10 minutes as a hand raised up. "What's wrong Naruto? Is it too hard for you to answer it?" The sensei ask with a worried look while the uchihas looked confident. "No sensei, it's just I'm done." The shock looks draw all over the faces except the uchiha , of course. "O-Okay, let me mark for you , it s-shall be just only a 2 minutes long." Naruto nod at the sensei.

The sensei marks the test paper , the shock face never faded . Instead , the teacher keep muttering 'incredible ' 'impossible!'
Like that two and a half minutes pass. "Well , class , even the top in our class can't get the full score but - the impossible had become possible now." The teacher stop and gulp a little while Naruto still remains emotionless . "What?! " "No way!" "Great , another Itachi...."

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