The Game

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Fp's POV
"Where'd that hot blonde go?" Tom says holding a joint to his mouth. I take a hit of the joint and pass it around the group. Coughs and smoke fill the room
"I saw her outside, but I think she was asking for directions to the dorm rooms" Hermione says sipping a beer.
"Why would you let her wander the streets when she's catching a buzz?" I say running my hands through my hair.
"Why the hell do you care" Gladys says jumping into my lap, she's fun sure but I just sleep with her to get off. She's not that hot, she sleeps with everyone and constantly smells like smoke.
"She was hot, how is she a virgin?" Fred asks, Mary hits his arm being the jealous girlfriend she is. 
"Why don't we make a little bet" Fred says with a smirk. Fred makes these stupid games all the time, who can kiss the most girls who can have sex the most in one week, the winner gets a prize.
"This is going to be a little different this time" he adds, "we are going to play a little game, with the new girl, Alice. She's a virgin let's see who can take her virginity."
"No way, you guys can't do that" Mary says looking pissed. I do admit it sounds like a fun little game.
"Fp, come on you already got a little taste of her"
"Fine, I'll do it" I say drinking the rest of what's left in my red cup.
"That's the spirt, if you can take her virginity by the end of the month. I'll give you a grand" Fred says smiling, money is no object to him. He spends it on booze, drugs hell even girls.
"Don't you think this is crossing the line" Mary says
"Good luck, she's a Virgin Mary. No way in hell shes going to sleep with you Fp" Gladys says jumping out of my lap. "Don't be jealous, I can sleep with you while he's occupied" Robert says grabbing another beer. Everyone crashes around two in the morning, I get up around noon the next day and take a shower. I get ready to go to college for the first day, luckily I'm almost done. I only have two classes this semester. My first class of the day is English, possibly my favourite class. When I walk in I instantly notice the blonde girl from last night, and I also notice an empty seat beside her. I quickly rush over and sit down in the seat, she snaps her head towards me in an instant. I watch her as she takes her notebooks out, her pencil case even binders, god this girl is prepared. I came unprepared to class I need a pencil and paper so I tap her shoulder
"Hey blondie" I wait for a response. She doesn't even turn towards me, is she ignoring me. Really she wants to play this game after her tongue was down my throat last night.
"You weren't this shy last night when you were taking shots and let's not forget you making out with me." I say leaning into her taking her pencil from her, her head snaps up from my paper, starring at me. "Your joking right, your friends forced me" she whispers. I can't believe this girl, she's a stuck up rich snob who no doubt has a perfect family and lives in a white picket fenced house with a dog. A fucking dog.
"You agreed to play the game, you could have backed out any time. But you didn't so don't blame it on me" I say louder the girl behind us hits the back of my chair, and tells me to stop talking. Alice agrees with the nerdy girl, so I stop talking and wait till afer class. After the class dismissal Alice hurries out of the room trying to avoid me. I catch up to her outside in the parking lot. "What your stalking me now" she says stopping on the sidewalk. Her long blonde hair blows in the wind, the scent is vanilla and strawberries. Why am I admiring the smell of her hair, what's wrong with me.
"No I'm not, I wasn't I could care less about you. I was wondering why you left last night, where did you go?" I ask, not showing my concern for her.
"Hey Fp, text me last weekend was fun" Ruby says walking by winking at me. She was kinda hot, I slept with her but I was drunk and she was there. I will not be texting her anytime soon.
"Are you listening to me?" the stubborn blonde shouts. I snap out of my thought of last weekend returning my attention to the girl in front of me, waving her hands in my face.
"You're not even listening to me" she shouts walking off, into the road without even looking. I grab her arm and pull her back to the side walk. "Being pissed is one thing, but don't go turn suicidal just because your jealous." I smirk
"You're unbelievable, let go of me" I forgot I'm still holding her wrist, I let go of her soft wrist.
"Thank you Fp for saving me from the car coming, because I was to stubborn to look both ways." I mock
"Your crazy if you think I'm going to thank you and I'm sure as hell not jealous"she says rolling her eyes.
"You're sure acting like it, admit it. You've never been kissed like that. You were amazed" I fire back
"I have a boyfriend" she states
"So, I could tell by your reaction last night he has never kissed you the way I did. You wanted me to continue moving down your body getting lower and lower." I say just trying to get a rise out of her, I like when she's mad, she's fierce and honest.
"Shut up, Fp" she spits storming off.
"You know it's true Alice, don't deny it." I say walking across the parking lot into my truck. I watch as she crosses the street, walking back to her dorm.
I pull out of the lot and slow up behind her, I roll down my window. "You don't have a car?" I ask, she doesn't answer only rolls her eyes, what she's best at.
"Do you want a ride?" I ask
"You're offering me a ride, your mood swings give me whiplash."
"Just get in the truck" I add ignoring her comment. She stops walking and looks at me,
"Why are you being nice now, you were mean no longer then five minutes ago." She says it's true, I know but I'm not apologizing, no way.
"I wasn't being mean, hell you haven't seen mean. But I'm going by the dorm rooms anyway and if you want a ride get in the truck."
"It's beautiful outside, I'm enjoying the fresh air." She says continuing to walk, I look up at the clouds and the sky is black. It's about to rain any minute,
"Have you looked up, it's about to pour rain" I say, she knows I'm right but she's just as stubborn as me.
"Just get in the damn truck I'm not asking again"
She nods and walks over to the passenger side. I didn't think she was going to accept the ride. She leans her head against the window and the ride back to the dorms are silent. I park outside the dorms and she undoes her seatbelt. She looks up at me and thanks me for the ride. Her eyes scan my face and stop at my lips, just to torture her a little. I lick my lips and play with my lip ring.
"Did that hurt?" she asks touching her lips
"No, I didn't feel anything" I say pulling it through my lips, to send her over the edge. She's starring and she licks her lips, she clears her throat trying not to stare any longer. Next thing I know her lips are smashed against mine, her hands run through my hair. She pulls a little, fuck that's hot. Her legs straddling my waist, I run my hands over her body and stop at her lower waist. She moans slightly, then pushes off me, jumping back into her seat, her hearts pounding and she's breathing heavy.
"I don't know why I did that, I gotta go" she says jumping out of the truck before I say anything.
What just happened, her lips and legs so soft, the way she pulled my hair. No girl has ever done that and damn that sends me over the top. One minute we're arguing and then she's on my lap, rocking back and forth with her tongue down my throat. I can't shake the girl from my head, Alice Smith. Why did she kiss me, my minds racing.I get out of my truck and run, down to her dorm. Next thing I know I'm knocking at her dorm room, waiting for her to answer.

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