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Alice woke up with a pounding headache, then the last few minutes before she blacked out came rushing back.
A hand went over her mouth, a man's hand before dragging her body down the ally.

"Mustang, found this pretty little thing walking around dangerous territory's" Tallboy said gesturing to the girl down on the cold dirty road. Mustang smirked at his friend, he let out a raspy laugh.
Viper and Fp were running late to the meeting, after they dropped off the drugs at the factory. Once they rolled up to Park Ave, they saw the rest of the group circled around someone pinned against the rusty brick wall. A girl?

Fp ran over to see what the commotion was all about, this wasn't what he was expecting to see. He was expecting to see a young boy strung out, looking for some drugs or money. Not his Alice, pinned against the wall with her shirt ripped open. Dirty men touching her, her pleads for help muffled by a hand. He could hear her cries, as he got closer he could see the tears pouring out of her beautiful blue eyes.

He didn't waste a second before ripping the guys off her. Alice let out a sigh of relief when she saw Fp running to help her. The guys were amused with Fp peeling them off the young girl. Mustang came forward, Fp taking a step in front of Alice, pushing her behind him. Mustang and the guys let out a laugh,
"Fp, is this why we can't meet at your place anymore?" He said sarcastically, knowing it was.

"Just let the girl go, she's just some stuck up prissy rich girl, who's gonna run her mouth." Fp said hating every word that was coming out of his mouth. Alice flinched at Fp's words, did he really think of her that way?

"Now come on Fp, we were just havin some fun, ain't that right darlin" Tallboy said giving him a sinister smirk.
"Well fun's over now boys" Mustang said,
"Fp, why don't you take home the little lady home then come back. Now you owe us for this, we didn't even get to start with her." Fp cringed at the words, 'start with her' if he didn't get there in time, god only knows what would have happened.

Fp nodded, he understood what was going to happen, there's always consequences with Mustang.
Fp led Alice to his truck, they were silent, neither of them spoke. Alice was shaken up, what just happened? What was Fp involved in? Did she even know the real Fp? Which Fp is she falling for.

Once they pulled in to the parking spot, she didn't move nor did Fp. They sat there for a few minutes before Alice spoke up. Her hands were shaking as her heart was beating fast.
"W-Who are you?" She asked, she knew it was a stupid question, but she didn't know what else to say.
"Sweet cheeks, don't ask stupid questions, you're smart". She secretly loved when he called her that, the nickname warmed her heart.
"Who were they?" She asked looking down at her hands, picking at her nail polish. She's had a bad habit for years, her mother always scolded her for it.
He rubbed his hands over his face, sighing he really didn't want to tell her. But he knew how stubborn she was.

"Okay, I'll tell you. It's a long story, so let's head inside." He said pulling out the keys,
Alice nodded and made her way inside to the small couch. Fp made his way over to her, sitting close but not to close.

"Before I say anything, what were you doing wandering around town after I said not to leave?" He asked, she definitely remembered him tell her repeatedly not to wander the streets.
"I was bored" she said, knowing she was about to get a lecture.
"Ok, I mean I think you learned you're lesson on what happens at night over here. The South Side is different then the North, it's not sad especially for girls and pretty ones like you."
"I know" she said quietly.
"Serpents" is all he said, she looked up confused "snakes?".
"That's the name of our gang, we deal drugs and guns. It's not safe Al, but it's easy money. I've been with them for a few months, the guys aren't too bad but when it comes to girls they are."
"You're in a gang?" She asked in disbelief
"Yeah, only Fred knows. He buys off us, for parties" he started to ramble.
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
"I-I was, I was just going to wait you know. I didn't want you to tell people, or treat me differently." He admired shyly,
"Fp, I see you the same. I have one more question." He nodded "did you mean those things about me?" she asked.
He shook his head, "no of course not, you seem like the type, sure. But you're the opposite you're kind, caring and not prissy. You don't care about who's rich and who's not, considering where you're staying. I just said those things so the guys would back off, I-I'm sorry they touched you sweet cheeks. I should have been there." Fp admitted to her placing his big hand over her small thigh in comfort. She placed her tiny delicate hand over his, "I shouldn't have been so stubborn and listened to you, it's my fault. And you did save me, before they did anything. Thank you Fp." She looked up and met his big brown eyes, pouring down into her blue orbs.

Without any other word he leaned in for a kiss, which lasted a few minutes. Alice was getting tired, she had gone through a lot and the sun was starting to rise. She passed out on the couch, Fp moved her into their room. Writing her a quick note saying he had somewhere to be. He knew he had to go back to the boys, he had consequences to face.

After driving to the Whyte Worm, he opened the door to be greeted by a smiling Mustang and Tallboy.
"Bout time" Mustang said pushing Fp along to the back of the bar.
"It's time for you're punishment. You never had to face the final stage of becoming a Serpent, it's time you face it now."
"Welcome to the final stage." Mustang said closing the door being them.
If only he knew what the consequences were going to be.

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