Fall apart

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Starfire opened the door to the roof of the Titans Tower, slowly she walked outside into the slowly fading light. Everyone was gone, the tower was only a mere echo of what it once was. The red headed princess walked slowly over to the edge of the roof, the wind whipping her long hair in front of her face. She looked across the city she had come to know as her home; a single tear streaked down her tan face, she didn't bother wiping it away.
"Oh X'hal, what shall I do now?" The girl whispered.
Her thoughts were overcome by images of the previous week. It had been full of sad and unwanted goodbyes, promises to visit each other once they had settled down, and for some of them, many nights of tears. The alien remembered one night, the night when the team had decided to go their separate ways. When she had woken up and had the need to use the restroom, how when she walked past Ravens door she had been surprised to hear muffled sobs. Wanting to help her friend starfire had softly opened the door to try to comfort her. How she had seen Raven in the arms of Beastboy trying to calm her down, "Shhh, its okay, Rae" He had whispered. She could hear his voice cracking, telling Starfire that he himself was crying.. She had quickly shut the door and walked away from Raven's room to stand in the doorway of her own. A thought came to her and she quietly walked to Robin's room. His door was slightly ajar, so she glanced in. She saw Robin hunched over on his bed, sobs shaking his body. She wanted to go comfort him, to cry with him. To let him know everything was going to be okay. But how could she tell her friend everything would work out, when she herself did not know what she was going to do? Starfire almost turned away from his door, but she saw a picture of both of them on his bedside table. In it they were smiling, really smiling. Tears began streaming down her face as she opened the door wider. She walked over to Robins bed as he looked up. His mask was off, his vivid blue eyes filled with tears. "Star.." He whispered his voice hoarse.
She didn't say anything, only sat on his bed and hugged him. They stayed like that for a while, holding each other.
That morning Robin told them about his plans to shed the Robin costume and become Nightwing; talking about how Robin was a member of teen titans, but that now it was time for him to take a different path and start over . He had taken Starfire into his room deciding that it would be better for both of them if they ended things. At first she had been angry, she had told him that he could not make up her mind for her. She told him they could make it work. Quickly after her anger came the sadness. A feeling in her stomach that nothing could help.
He had wiped away her tears and kissed her lips gently. "It's time we move on." The bird boy quietly whispered into the red head's ear. She had ran out of the room, still crying. Later that day the princess watched Robin leave the tower from her window. She didn't even get the chance to say goodbye.
Two days later Raven and Beastboy left together, making Star promise them that she would come visit often.
Now she was all alone, seeing as the day Robin had suggested that the Titans go their own way Cyborg had stormed out of the tower in a rampage and never came back.
She was brought back into the present when her T-communicator went off telling her that something was happening in Jump City. Slowly she carefully took it off her belt and held it in her hand watching it glow. The tears started coming down faster as she threw communicator off the building as far as she could, watching it fall into the shimmering, blue water. Looking out at the dark sky she saw the lights in the city below, wondering if she would ever come back to jump city.
With one last glance around her at the roof of her beloved home, she turned away and walked towards the door wiping away the rest of her tears. Her hands found the door handle, her palms sticky with sweat. "What.. What did I ever do to deserve this?" She gasped out falling against the door. "This is not what I pictured my future to be; I-" the red head's body was shaking with sobs the sound of her tears hitting the ground seemingly magnified. The princess turned around sliding down the door her vision blurry with tears. "Why did we have to fall apart?"


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