Weigh In & Falling Hard

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Justin’s POV




      I took a deep breath, stepping on the scale in my bathroom, watching as the numbers fluctuated up and down, before settling on a very disappointing number.



96.0 pounds.




   No no no no no. This cannot be happening right now. Tears pricked my eyes as I stared at the scale in shock. I gained a pound, meaning I’m that much farther from getting under 90 pounds.   “Fuck” I hissed, tears threatening to spill over.


    It’s okay Justin; this is just a wake up call. Think thin. Remember, skip dinner, wake up thinner? You’ll just restrict a bit more… How about 100 calories a day? Instead of 300. You should throw up some too, and exercise because you’ll get to you goal much quicker. Imagine, stepping on the scale and seeing that feather-light number; 85 pounds. You’ll be perfect; everyone will want to be you. Just have more self-control, and determination. You don’t want food. Food is fat and fat is evil and you don’t want to be evil. Think thin. Thin. Thin. Thin. Thin. Skinny. Skinny. Skinny. Bones. Bones. Bones. Death…



     My thoughts took a destructive turn as I let that voice take over my mind. I found myself smiling as I listened to it… If I skip a few more meals, and purge and exercise more, I’ll be 85 in no time.



     “Justin, are you up?” Jason’s voice called from downstairs, making me jump about 50 feet in the air. I totally forgot he was here— lost in my own thoughts.

  “U-uh yea, c-coming.” I heard my own shaky voice call back, walking out of my bathroom and down the stairs, seeing Jason sprawled out on the couch.

   “Hey bud, wanna watch tv together, maybe get to know eachother?” He asked cheerily, making me frown inside. How are people so happy all the goddamn time?

   I simply nodded, cautiously sitting on the other end of the sofa, waiting for him to speak.

  “K, I’ll go first then. What’s your favorite movie?” He asked the simple questions first.

  “T-the f-fox and the h-hound” I replied softly, making him grin.

“Hmmm ok. What’s your favorite book?”

 “The fault in our stars.” I admitted, embarrassed for liking such a soppy love story, making him chuckle a bit.

“Ok, Justin Drew Bieber, is there anything important I should know about you, considering we’ll be spending a month together?” He smirked.

“Well, I l-like m-michael j-jackson, I-I read, I’m 5’ tall, and I like monkeys.” I replied, making him laugh quite loud for some reason.

“I’ll have to remember that.” He grinned, making me let out a small fake smile.





Jason’s POV


   I sighed internally; does this boy even know how cute he is? His chubby cheeks, cute button nose, big hazel eyes. he’s so pretty *heart eyed emoji*. Jesus I’m fucking turning soft. Only for him though. Damn, Jason you’re not even with him yet, get a grip. He is so insecure, I want to help him gain confidence and for him to open up to me. I know he has problems, I just don’t know what and I intend to find out. I glanced over him, as he was distracted by the TV, my eyes ran over his shirt, eyebrows furrowing when I saw his little ribs jutting out underneath the shirt, hipbones looking sharp as well. His pajama pants covering his short legs, still showing off the huge gap between his thighs. His tiny wrists and ankles looked like you could snap them like a twig. All in all, He just looked tiny and breakable. At the same time, his height difference was so adorable. I was 5’11 and muscular, and he was 5’ and fragile. I would like him to gain some weight though, he seems underweight, and hopefully I can put some light back into his eyes? These feelings are all so new to me, usual I’m the fuck and chuck kinda guy, all about the one-night stands with sluts, never wanting to get whipped by anyone. But here I am, slowly falling for this cute, insecure, funsize boy named Justin Bieber. And surprisingly, it’s not all that bad. With him, I feel different. I want to take him on dates, surprise him with cute gifts to make him squeal with excitement, cuddle him close to me when he’s sad, snuggle him into my chest and watch movies with him, kiss his chubby cheeks over and over again, and give him sweet kisses all the time. I want him to be mine. I want to be his protector, and bring out the happy boy he once was, because I know he’s not okay right now. He doesn’t know it, but Justin Drew Bieber has me wrapped around his little finger.



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Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t update in two days like I planned, but school has been kicking my ass! Its final exams until Wednesday (When I get out), so only 3 ½ of school left! during the summer I’ll be sure to update every day, or every other day (: . Sorry for the wait and shortness of the chapter, but I don’t want this story to go by fast, it needs to be a bit realistic, but don’t worry jay will start opening up real soon (: drama will be coming up so stay tuned xx

-hannah <3


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