A Family & Friendly Power

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My mom pulled me tp my feet. Me, my mom, my dad, and my best friend were going to go on a stroll to win this. To win all of the mirrors power so we could stop all of this nonsense.

"Let's do this." I said. We didn't know how we were gonna find the portal x. But, if we sticl together and face everything, we were gonna win and get out of this. And we could bring back Ethan.
Colors were shooting everywhere and there was a huge moutain with a gold stone walkway leading in swirl following of the moutain.
I saw it. A colorful magical portal. Inside had glowed light. It was like looking at the sun. The portal x. That's gotta be it! It was high above from the mountain. The moutain was tall. It would take forever to get up there.

My hands! What was happening?!

"Pssss...Jack?" I heard a voice. It was Ethan!

"Ethan! What's going on?!" I yelled out to him.

"Who's Ethan?" My mom asked o
me touching my shoulder.

"I'm the missing boy. Jack, use the power of the mirror as something good. Think positive." I heard him whisper to me.

I had to think to use my power. It was there i knew it was. I had it in me. And i needed to use it properly.

Fire shoot out of my hands and flames. It shoot to the moutain. Burning and sinking down. It was lower and it shrunked. My family cheered. It looked like we could make it. Of course we could.

"Jack. I have a rope in my bag." Samantha yelled out showing the rope.

"Great! We could use it." I said grabbing the rope and tying it to my waist. Samantha had thrown a metal hook. It hooked on top of the rock. It was gonna hold. Hopefully, it would hold in tightly as possible for me, sam, and my parents as we would climb up top.

"Oh heck na! no way!" I heard my dad yell out.


"Mr. Miller Come on!"
Sam and I yelled out to my dad as we looked down to him on the ground as we were on the rope.

"I'll take the stairs. I mean, the walkway." He yelled out running up.

I rolled my eyes and continued on climbing. My mom was below and samantha was the second on it. It took a minute or two and we finally gotten up.

I climbed up and helped sam and my mom up. My dad was such a wimp. He still didn't get up here. I carefully peeked down and i didn't see him.

"Mr. Miller!?! Are you still there?!" Sam yelled out putting her hands around her mouth so her voice could echoe.

"I'm almost up there." He yelled out.

We looked up as we saw the portal x. Whoosing noises came from inside and kids screaming. This portal has been kidnapping other kids too?! Probably. This was it. I had to end this for good.

The Boy in The MirrorWhere stories live. Discover now