What We Are

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I screech into the parking lot, immediately getting out of the car and going around the back to get my luggage. A steady stream of profanities followed me as I elbowed my way through the lines and clusters of people.

When I reached Terminal 4, there was no one there. I searched around. Maybe I had the wrong time?

And then I saw the board, My flight to Washington left five minutes ago. I sighed in defeat, plopping down on one of the hard plastic chairs.

"The next flight is at 7 tomorrow afternoon," said an unknown voice from behind me. I started, seeing a man, looking like he was maybe 21, sitting in one of the hard plastic chairs reading a book.

"Pardon?" I looked at him as he closed his book and shifted in the chair, giving me an agitated look.

"The next available flight," he said slowly, as if I was mentally challenged -- which I was not, I assure you, "is at 7pm. tomorrow evening,"

"Damn, I missed the first flight this year!" I muttered underneath my breath. I thought the stranger would comment, but he simply reopened his book, sitting back in his chair.

Timidly, I walked up to him. I stopped a couple feet away, holding out my hand. "My name is Anna Stent," He looked up at me, annoyed. He looked at my hand and, just as I was about to put it down, took it.

"Mason Gallsay, nice to make your acquaintance," he said with a firm shake. As I looked him over, I was struck speechless.

"Umm, I just came from the Jackson Terminal, do you know if there's a hotel around here?" I asked haltingly. His eyes rose to mine from where they were roaming my body, making me feel hot all over.

"Well, there's one open about a block away. Where I'm staying before I missed the flight..." he trailed off, looking to the board.

I frowned at him, I don't even know why I was considering sleeping in the same room with a stranger, but I had to, my apartment being about 9 hours away. I didn't notice he'd been looking at me until he spoke. "If you want to stay you can,"

I smiled. "Thanks, I really don't have anywhere else to go,"

As we walked to the hotel, we talked about what we were going to Washington for. When he got the point where he was getting married, my heart deflated. He was only a little older than me, seemingly a good man, and extraordinarily handsome.

I kept a smile on my face, though as I explained that I was going to my cousin's funeral. I am ashamed to admit that a few tears leaked out, even though I never knew the little bugger.

I explained to him how I went out on my own and hadn't seen my family since I was 16, how I graduated early and went to college in Virginia. How my family moved to Washington without telling me.

By the time we made it to the hotel, I had basically told my life story to this stranger.

As I walked into the hotel, I took in the golden chandeliers, state-of-the-ark everything and the pretty woman behind the desk.

Mason nodded at her before walking to the elevator. As I walked backwards -- still taking in the lobby -- he chuckled. I gave him a sour look and continued to ogle it. "Ann, do you want to see something ten times as gorgeous as the lobby?" when I nodded, he took my hand and led me to the elevator doors.

I though he would open them and we would go to his floor, but he didn't. He just looked into it's shiny surface as I watched him. "Look in the mirror," Even though the metal was not a mirror, I got his implication. He turned towards me.

I was going to say something, but as soon as I saw the look in his eyes, I forgot it, my breath catching. He stepped closer, our bodies almost touching. I felt like I was on fire. My heart beating a million miles a minute, I watched as he leaned down.

As he hesitated, I whispered his name. He looked up at me, his long, thick lashes framing his gorgeous brown eyes. I could feel my heart melting as he closed the distance between us.

I hesitated only briefly, thinking of his fiancé, thinking of how my mother would react if she knew. As his lips moved on mine, I forgot all the reasons this was wrong and focused on all the reasons it was right.

It might've felt right, but the man was engaged. There was no reason this was acceptable, but I did it anyways, just like how I moved in with Jem at the tender age of 16 as my parents warned me that I would get my heart ripped out and stomped on.

I knew it would be the same, but I simply didn't care. I don't know how it was possible, but in the little time I've known him, Mason has acquired my heart. As I thought this, I drew away with a gasp.

He looked at me, his eyes glazed with desire. I pulled him into the elevator and, as he came towards me, I stepped into a corner and took my hand out of his. He froze.

"Bella," I said simply. His expression crashed and he retreated into his business-like persona. As soon as that happened, I wished I has never spoken that simple name that could ruin every chance I had with this beautiful stranger.

"Of course, please except my apology. I understand my behavior has been less than customary as we have only just met tonight," I flinched as if he had hit me and was quiet the rest of the ride up.

Now, I didn't really want to stay in the same room with him, the tension in the air being too much for me.

When we got to the room, I went out onto the balcony. I stood out in the night air, looking down at the cityscape. It was breathtaking with all the lights on and the sunset.

I watched as a plane took off into it, smiling at how peaceful the night was.

Sighing, I turned around, watching Mason. He had his back to me and was on the phone, sounding aggravated. A sudden urge to come up behind him, wrapping my arms around him overtook me. As I held it back, it caused my stomach to twist.

Finally giving into the urge, I came up silently behind him, wrapping my arms around his toned waste. I could feel it as he stopped breathing, cutting off his sentence.

I could hear the person on the other side talking, but not their words. "I have to go, I'll call you back later," he said in a strangled voice and he turned the phone off, cutting off the person's goodbyes.

He turned around in my embrace so that we were facing each other. He looked at me for a while and then held my face in his hands. He smiled as I lifted my head up and met him halfway.

The kiss was sweet and hopeful, not desperate like our first. I smiled against his lips.

He pulled back slightly and I could see the words on his tongue in his eyes. Before he could say the words that would tear our worlds down around us, I put my hand over his mouth. "Don't," I said as gently as I could.

Again, I watched as he deflated. As he started to back away, I pulled his arms back up to hold me. "Don't, unless you really mean it. And are willing to destroy the woman you love," I amended in a whisper, biting my lip.

He smirked and, I have to admit, I was slightly scared. "But the woman I love is right in front of me," And then he kissed me.

---------------------------------------10hrs Later----------------------------------------

I wake up, smiling.

I roll over so that I'm half laying on Mason. "Mase," I whisper, trying to wake him up. He mumbled in his sleep and turned over to me. I poke him, but he won't wake up.

Fine, I think, time for drastic measures. I get out of the bed and pull the sheets off him. As the tan muscle of his back comes into view, I catch myself thinking about running my hands over it.

When I focus back on him, his eyes are focused on my face. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"We are going to be late," I stated. He looked at the clock and smiled.

"You're right, we have a funeral to get to,"

I looked at him. "I love you and can't live without you," he said.

I smiled the biggest smile. "I love you too,"


<3 Cat

What We Are (#CupidStrikesonNewYear)Where stories live. Discover now