Lost and found

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Whew, I actually got it done. Please ignore my poor attempt at creating my own lyrics, thought I'd try something new.

Enjoy and let me know what you think 😊

Music flowed in the empty room and I stood in the center of it. My body moving to the beat of it, mesmerised by the lyrics.

I lay broken, my heart in tatters

But still I run after you, but I still love you

Why won't my heart, my heart, understand, that you are nothing but torture

I moved my arms in front of me. This was familiar to me, I could do it. I had been doing this routine for many years now. It was nothing new.

You stole my heart, you stole it and left me watching after you

Life couldn't be the same again, all smiles are gone with you

Slowly, pointed my left hand in front me whilst the other was held above my head. It felt right doing this. I could get lost in the moment, it made me calm. It was like there was no one there apart from the music and me. Just the way I liked it.

You were like a drug to me and I couldn't get enough

You were the reasons for my smiles and the tears of my joy

Why won't you understand I breathe for you, I die for you

Why won't you understand

The music slowed and with it the movements of my body. It was like I had no control of my body as the music flowed through controlling it to its demands. But it helped me cope, it was my retreat and it would always be with me. It would never leave me, it was a constant in my life.

I lay broken, my heart in tatters

Tears running free like you ran from me

I lay broken, my heart in tatters

My world spun in front of me, don't I mean anything to you

I halted, breathing slowly through my nose. The strain on my body was catching up to me. It was getting harder to do this, I could feel sweat running down my forehead and not from hard work. The pains and aches protesting, not wanting to do this whilst my body was covered in bruises, both inside and outside.

Was it too much to hope, yes, yes it was, but I still did hope

Wish I knew now what I knew then

Then I wouldn't have got lost in false hopes

I wouldn't have fallen for your lies and promises and all the pretty flowers you brought with a shining smile

I pushed my body on, ignoring its protests of the pain caused by the extraneous activity. My legs were quivering after the last jump I just made not used to what once had come naturally.

Now I shut my eyes, memories flashing behind my closed lids, and I knew, I knew that all is lost

For what was found in tears of pain has been lost again, lost again

I slumped, defeated, my arms hung uselessly to my sides. Tears ran down my face as I forced myself to breathe again. Who was I trying to kid? I was no good for anyone, that's why they all left me. It's always me, always me, I made them leave me. The sobs were coming constantly now as I let all the grief of the last couple days out.

"Peanut," shouted Nathan rushing towards me as I fell to the floor, my legs giving up. "What are you doing? You know you're still recovering. Oh man, wait until Doc and Mr. B find out."

When I didn't show any sign of responding Nathan signed picking me up in his arm and carried me to one of the benches lined across the wall. I was numb and had lost the sudden burst of energy I had when the urge to dance took over me. I was sad again.

Nathan ran a hand soothingly through my hair trying to calm my broken heart. "It's ok, Sang. Let it out, cry. I'm here for you."

As if something broke in me and I let all my heartache, all my frustrations as I sobbed into Nathan's shoulder, uncaring that I was probably creating a puddle on his white shirt.

"Why did he leave me?" I sobbed out. "He promised he would never leave me."

"I don't know, Peanut," he said, gently pulling my face towards him. "But you have us. You'll always have us."

I looked into his eyes, which reflected the pain my own. "I love him so much."

Why did you leave me? We were meant to be forever.

Nathan smiled weakly at me as if knew what I was thinking. "You may have lost him, Sang, but you found us."

Yes, I did find them, well more like they found me, and I will always be thankful to them for that. We may not have been together but I loved them, what they did for me made it difficult not to. I loved them so much that my heart burst just thinking of them and I knew they loved me as much as I did them, if not more.

Still broken but with a little more hope in my heart I smiled at him and my heart ached at the happiness that shone in his eyes at the little smile I gave him. He really did love me. I felt selfish for drowning at my self-pity.

I wouldn't do that anymore because Nathan was right I may have lost him but I will always have him, have them.

A big smile grew on my lips and sighed in happiness, even if it was for a moment, I had them and that's all that mattered.

You left me, with my heart in tatters but then they came

They picked up the broken pieces with soothing hands, chasing away all the tears and pain in my heart

I knew then that I found something to love again

I may have lost you, but I found them, I found them

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