We Won

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Your P.O.V.

I was gathering as much magic energy as I could. It was gonna take a lot if I was gonna weaken this dragon for Sting and Rogue to take down. Once I felt like I had enough I began to make my move.

"Shadow God's secret art: Forest of shadows!" When I said this, the ground became covered in shadows. Pillars made of shadows began to rise up and surround me and the dragon I was facing. Then the area around us slowly began getting darker and darker.

"What's this supposed to do!?" The dragon laughed. It has no effect!"

I smirked. "It increases my magic power. This way, I can beat you."

"Well, not even that is gonna work!" The dragon laughed again. "I'll just smash the puny pillars you made!"

"I didn't say that's all it does."

"Oh?" The dragon questioned. "Then what else does it do?"

I smirked evilly. "It enhances the strength of this one! Shadow God's secret art: Guard of the Shadow God!" My eyes began to glow even brighter. Then a giant dragon made of shadows emerged from the ground. "The best way to fight a dragon..." I began. My voice getting deeper as my soul merged into my shadow dragon. "Is with a dragon."

Natsu's P.O.V.

I was fighting future Rogue when I saw a giant black dragon with glowing red eyes rise up from the ground.

"ANOTHER ONE!?" I shouted angrily. "Oh, wait... That's (y/n)!! Go get 'em (Y/n)!!!"

"So you care about (Y/n) huh?" Future Rogue chuckled. "Well, that's too bad for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked a little-pissed off.

"I mean..." He looked up at me and laughed. "I MEAN I KILLED HER!!!!" Now he was laughing hysterically.


"She's not who you think she is. There is so much more you don't know about her, and probably never will. Especially considering everyone who knows is dead in the future, except for me of course. She is connected to HIM. She is one of zer-

"BASTARD!!!!" I shouted and charged at him. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!"

Your P.O.V.

I managed to land quite a few fatal blows on the dragon. I even broke some of its scales. But the dragon was stronger than I thought. "Damn... you..." I managed to stutter out. With my magic power gone and my physical strength depleting quickly, I began swaying on my feet. "You beat me." With that, I fell to my knees, completely exhausted.

"(Y/N) STAY WITH ME!!!" Sting yelled while charging at the dragon that he and Rogue were fighting.

"I... can't fight... anymore..." I mumbled. "I... have no... magic en-" I got an idea. "Rogue! H-hit me with your ro- roar!" I shouted.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" He and Sting both shouted.


Rogue sighed but eventually turned in my direction. "ROAR OF THE SHADOW DRAGON!!!" Rogues shadows came charging towards me. I shakily got to my feet and awaited the impact.

---------------fake commercial break :T Go grab some popcorn or something... Idk, Or just keep reading... Doesn't matter to me really...---------------

Once the shadows hit the ground in front of me I began to eat them.

"God slayers are the same as dragon slayers when it comes to eating their element," I said as I wiped my mouth. "Now I've got a fire in my belly, or in this case a shadow, that's just raging to get out!" (Somewhere Natsu just sneezed.)

"I didn't know she could do that!" Sting shouted. He pointed at me with he mouth wide open while jumping around like a fool."Rogue! Did you know she could do that!?" What an idiot. I mentally facepalmed.

"Alright, Mr. dragon." I pointed at the dragon I was fighting. "Are you ready to be taken down!?" The dragon just laughed.

"Do your worst." I grinned when he said that.

"My pleasure. SWORDS OF THE SHADOW GOD!!!" Swords made of shadows formed on my arms. The edges could cut through almost anything. I jumped up and spun so my swords would continuously hit him. After a few hits, the dragon began... glowing?

"What is this!?" The dragon shouted. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Then it disappeared. I just smirked lightly

"Natsu..." I looked up towards where Natsu had previously been fighting. "I knew you could do it." Then my knees buckled under me. But I never hit the ground. I looked up and saw Sting, he was holding me up and he had that big goofy grin of his that I love.

"You pushed yourself too hard, (Y/n)."

"I'll manage." I smiled back. He let go and allowed me to lay on the ground.

Rogue came and laid next to me. "To think not a single dragon slayer was able to take down a dragon." Sting sighed and laid down on my other side.

"Yeah..." Rogue sighed.

"Makes me sick of hearing the term 'dragon slayer.'" Sting grunted. Rogue just nodded.

"Nows not the time to be down about it though," I said while shakily standing up and brushing myself off. "C'mon." I smiled and reached my hand out for Sting to grab. "We won! Let's celebrate!"

A/n- Thank you all so much for all of the reads, votes, and comments, I really appreciate all of the support you guys give me. I always love reading the comments you guys write. Some of them are really funny. Anyway, here ya go I hope you liked it. Also, I've been trying to play monster by skillet on my guitar. I got the intro and the first part but the rest was too hard so I gave up... But its okay cause I'm gonna go see them in concert with my boyfriend on the 28th. I'm so ready. Don't forget to <3 fairy tail! Bye Minna! 

Dragons Love (Sting x Reader x Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now