The Two She Loves

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It's cold... And I can't move... W-where am I? I opened my eyes to see a battered Erza at my feet.

'E-Erza!?' I tried to call, but no words came out. It was as if my body was moving in its own.

"So you have finally returned... Demon of the night?" Kyoka looked at me.


"Yes, I have," I said, much to my dismay, but it wasn't entirely my voice... It was so... Demonic to say the least.

'Wait how did I get out of the magic canceling types??? does that mean I'm a...'

"Her curse power finally awoke?" Kyoka asked.

"Yes." Mard Geer replied. "It's only a matter of time now before her etherious form activates."

"Then that means it's only a matter of time before she loses her humanity entirely and becomes a full demon," Kyoka added.

Mard Geer smiled, "Then let's speed up the process shall we?" He snapped his fingers and all I saw was darkness.

Natsu's P.O.V.

As Lisanna and I were running through the hallways of... Wherever we are... when I heard a pained scream coming from a door not too far ahead of us.

"Lisana!?" I turned to face the silver-haired girl as we ran.

"Yeah, I heard it too. It sounds like Erza." She responded.

"Yeah, smells like her too." When we walked into the room we saw a beaten up Erza dangling from handcuffs on the wall while a weird slug-like thing wrapped around her.


---------------le time skip---------------

"Hehehe!" Erza cackled evilly as she cracked her knuckles. We got Erza down and, in her place, was Kyoka. One of the 9 demon gates and, I'm guessing, the one who tortured her. "First order of business." Erza declared coldly as her face turned deadly serious. "Where did you take (Y/n)?"

"(Y/N)S HERE!?!?!?" I shouted, "IS SHE HURT!? WHERE IS S-" Erza told me to be quiet.

Kyoka squirmed uncomfortably. "I-I don't know where she is..."

Erza growled, "Then tell me this..." She pulled out a sword and positioned it at the neck of the demon, "How did she escape the magic binding ropes? What were you talking about when you said her curse power has finally awakened? And why did you call her the demon of the night?"

"..." No answer.

"Demon of the night..." Lisana muttered, "As in one of Zeref's demons?" Erza turned around.

"Have you heard of it?" She questioned. Lisanna nodded

"I read about it once." She paused for a while, "Demon of the night... Said to be one of Zeref's strongest demons. Equal in strength to E.N.D... Well... Almost. Zeref, the black wizard, wanted to die. He knew his power was a curse and that the only way to end the suffering he brings is to end himself but... he's immortal. So, in order to bring an end to his life, he created demons in hopes that one of them could destroy him. He failed every time until... U-Until E.N.D... But one thing was missing."

"What was that?" Erza asked, sword still aimed at Kyoka's throat.

"Darkness," Kyoka mumbled.

"That's right." Lisanna continued. "E.N.D. is a fire demon, in other words, it's a light magic of some sorts. After about 50 years Zeref discovered that, in order to end himself, he needed demons of light and darkness, equal in power, to balance each other out. But Zeref couldn't quite make The Demon of the Night as strong as E.N.D. so he did the next best thing. He made them NEED each other."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that, well, I don't know for certain but... I do know this... Without E.N.D. The Demon of the Night will not have her FULL power, only a portion. Without the Demon of the Night, E.N.D. can't be revived.

"They can't function without each other basically?" Erza asked

" Right! And be-" LIsanna continued, but was interrupted by Kyoka's laughing.

"And now we have her!" She laughed, "Your precious guildmate has inherited the powers that Zeref gave to the Demon of the Night making her one of us! Your precious (Y/n) will be your downfall!"

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"We finally figured out how to bring out her demonic powers, it was through pain and the suffering of her loved ones. Eventually she will lose her humanity. She will become a full demon, no longer human. She won't be (Y/n) anymore. Her last moments as a human we spent in pain, suffering, and despair. And oh..." Kyoka grinned and licked her lips, "Her scream was exquisite, oh how it sent chills down my spine! I loved seeing her pained expression." She grinned right at me.

"You basta-"

"NATSU!" I looked at Erza, she was seriously mad, "Go find (Y/n)... Natsu..." She gave me a sincere smile, "She needs you, she can't fight this battle alone. Be the light to her darkness."

I looked up at her. "S-she needs me?" Erza nodded.

"She needs you Natsu... But she also needs Sting. You two, you're the ones she loves. If you're going to save (Y/n) you'll need him too."

A/n- Sorry, I feel like this chapter made no sense... lol, sorry. If you're confused.

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