Chapter 2

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Natalia stood in front of the building that she worked in, just looking at it for a few moments. On the outside, it looked like a regular arts and crafts store, one called Unique Arts. However, on the inside, it was really an agency called the Undercover Agency, otherwise known as the Completely Creatively Named Agency as a running joke. "Hey! Natalia! Wait up!" A male voice called from behind her.

Natalia sighed and turned around to see her ever-clumsy partner, Weiss Gunglett, running towards her. And of course he tripped and landed flat on his face at her feet. "Weiss, when will you ever learn how to animate your limbs properly?"

"Probably never. But, hey, nobody ever suspects the clumsy jokester to be an undercover detective, y'know?" Weiss responded and grinned cheekily.

Natalia sighed. "Whatever. We better get in the 'store' before the old geezers have to wait for us for too long. You already know this, but I'm fairly sure I've hit a lead." The blonde girl turned on her heel and walked into the building. The brown-haired boy picked himself up off the ground and followed.

"Wow, already? Guess it's to be expected of my fellow prodigy." Weiss commented sarcastically. Of course he already knew everything because he was her partner, after all.

Natalia sighed. "Don't remind me. They already fangirl over the two of us enough."

"Fangirl? Nat, have you started to talk like a normal teenage girl?!" Weiss asked dramatically, pretending to be shocked.

Natalia didn't respond, as she knew by now not to respond to Weiss's little quips. She walked into the elevator and pressed the button for floor A. The button scanned her fingerprint, and once it confirmed it was Natalia, a cold robotic voice said, "Welcome Agent Lanven. Agent Gunglett has yet to arrive. We will be taking you to the conference room."

After the elevator opened, Natalia stepped out and walked into a room that was occupied mostly by a table surrounded by chairs, with one large chairs at each end of the table. The large chair at the far side of the room was occupied, and a few chairs around it, but the table was far from full. "So, it's not a full conference today... What irony, that the one time it's not a full conference, I may have a lead." Natalia muttered under her breath, then sat down in her chair, which was on the right side of the table, or at least on the man in the large chair's right side. The elevator dinged open to reveal Weiss.

"Wow, you could almost make echoes in here today, it's so empty." Weiss commented jokingly, looking around before walking over to and sitting down in the chair across from Natalia. "Sucks to be them, though, they're missing the lead Nat has."

The man in the large chair sighed. "Yes, it is quite ironic that all the times we have had no information. everyone shows up and when we does finally have information, it's just the five of us. But enough joking around. Natalia, your report."

Natalia nodded. "Yes, sir. Today, as you know, was my first day at Hachibana High School, and I met some people who very well could be the killers. I managed to befriend them, and my teacher gave me a warning about them, saying that anyone who got too physically or verbally abusive towards them disappeared."

"So... Whom do you think is the killer?" Weiss asked, signalling Natalia with his words to get to the point already.

"I was getting to that, Weiss. I believe it's the work of these two." Natalia set down folders containing their records and other data, then continued as the others in the room opened the folders. "Luke and Lucy Grants. Twins and Geminis, as well as coming from an originally abusive household before their father was found out and taken to jail, and they were put into foster care. They were age 8 at the time."

The man in the chair next to Weiss let out a low whistle. "Day one, and you've already done so much research on them, huh? Looks like we were right to put you on this case."

Weiss sighed, but made no comments, even though it had really been him who had put together the report folders through his tech skills. Natalia was the field worker, and he was her technical support.

Natalia bowed her head slightly. "I'm honored to be receiving your praise, sir, but Weiss helped."

The commander looked at Natalia. "Get closer to them, if possible, but also don't let personal feelings get in the way of the case. Agent Gunglett, remain on standby in case Agent Lanven needs more data along the road. This meeting is adjourned."

One by one, each of the people got up and left, with Weiss and Natalia leaving last, since they were the youngest. After a few hours of helping out around the art's and crafts shop, they left the building and the sun had nearly disappeared, making it nearly dark. "Good luck with the case, Natalia. Expect the unexpected. You never know what twists and turns a case like this might take." Weiss advised as he turned away, heading to his house.

"Thanks, Weiss." Natalia smiled as she turned in the other direction, heading to her own house, which was ridiculously close to the agency, only about a ten minutes' walk away. When she got home, she hopped into the shower. Getting out, she dried herself off and put on her pajamas, climbing into bed and closing her eyes, falling asleep a few minutes later.

Because of her falling asleep so fast, she didn't see the silver eyes watching from the shadows or the dark figure as it emerged from the shadows and walked away with no noise at all.

Duskil was keeping tabs.


Yay, Weiss is in! Can you guess what Natalia's relationship with Weiss is, other than them being partner prodigies at the agency?  If you can get it right, the next chapter featuring both Weiss and Natalia will be dedicated to you. Whenever that'll be. Sorry it took so long, I was attempting to make a long chapter, which obviously failed miserably, but yeah.

Indi out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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