The Hate (Part 1)

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Lauren looked at the clock on the wall, it was 1:07 PM, three more minutes and school was finally over.

She wasn't the best at school, she had a C in most of her classes, which wasn't too bad considering she would still pass, but she couldn't care less about her grades at this point.

She was brought out of her throughs as the school bell rang indicating the last class ended. As she walked out of history class and was headed for her locker, she saw non other than her two biggest enemies. Austin and Camila.

Austin Mahone, the school's so called "golden boy". He was a jock, captain of the football team, preppy and arrogant, thinks the whole world revolves around him. Your typical Asshole.

His tongue was down Camila Cabello's throat. As cliche as it sounds, she was the Queen B of the school, Regina George vibes, if you will, she was a straight A's student. She was the bitchiest girl you'll ever cross paths with. She always had her minions around, Ally and Normani. Ally is known to be nice and reserved. While Normani is the cheerleading captain, confident and outgoing.

Camila and Austin were making out right in front of Lauren's locker. She would rather go straight home than deal with them right now but her house-key was in there. Lauren was pretty annoyed to see the petite, brown haired girl in her way because Camila was the reason the girl with emerald eyes was hated by almost everyone in the school.

Everybody found out that Lauren is gay. Camila outed her infront of the whole school reading a text conversation on Lauren's phone in front of the whole cafeteria.


Lauren's POV

"Do you wanna come over after school? We could watch a movie again" Dinah asked while sitting down next to me.

"Dinah, you know I promised Tori we would go out to get ice cream, I already told you.. we can watch a movie on Friday, how does that sound?" Not that i wouldn't enjoy Dinah's company today but my closeted relationship with my girlfriend was falling apart and I was scared to lose her.

"Oh, come fucking on, Laur. We both know there's nothing you can do to fix it anymore. Seriously just let her go already, she's not good for you." My best friend said and deep down i knew she was right, I was in a toxic relationship with no communication and lately all we do is fight, I thought we can try to fix it but I've already tried many times. "I know you're hurting, trust me, I know you. But you can't keep pretending everything is fine when it's not. Do you even know where she is?"

"She said she's at Lucy's." I answered. Dinah looked at me with that 'are you kidding me' face. Lucy was my childhood best friend, Tori always had a thing for Lucy, I once caught them kissing but Tori said it was the alcohol and i forgave her even tho i shouldn't have and i regret not leaving her then, it would have spared me a lot of pain. 

"You really believe she's not in her bed right now?" Dinah knew about everything that happened and she has never liked Tori.

"Alright alright, I'll text her to cancel and we can watch a movie. Are you happy?" I shot back with a forced smile.

"Yes very." Dinah said and seemed pleased.

I looked trough my bag, I was sure i left my phone here, or did i forget it in my locker? Ugh now i gotta go find it and I'm not even sure it's in there. As soon as i stood up to leave to look for my phone I hear "Hey Jauregui! Come over here, i think i have something that belongs to you" she yelled with a disgusting smirk plastered on her face. Her right hand up in the air with my phone. That little b-

"Look what i found!" She cut me off and started looking trough my phone to start reading something that I soon recognized was my
chat with Lucy "God Lucy! Tori is my girlfriend! How could you do that? I thought you were my friend" as she read my old texts and everyone realized that Tori and I were more than what they thought, tears started forming under my eyes and i was ready for a hole to open in the ground and swallow me alive. "Wow, who knew Jauregui was a faggot?" She snickered and that was it. I stormed out of the cafeteria with my best friend running behind me cursing the brown eyed girl.

"Lauren wait!" Dinah tried to stop me but i got into the bathroom and she followed. The first tear rolled down my face and in a short time i was full on sobbing in Dinah's arms while she was mumbling assuring words to calm me down. "It'll be okay Lo, everything will be fine" I was fed up. All i wanted was to go and scream in her face.  

"How could she be so-"

"-Cruel?, heartless?, mean? yeah, she is a cold ass bitch." Dinah agreed.


Hey, I wrote this a long time ago and it had a lot of errors and mistakes and it was just cringe, so i rewrote it with the same idea but a bit better.
I don't think it's worth continuing..unless you want that, then I'll write more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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