When Maya came to school, everyone was whispering to eachother. Usually everyone was so loud and happy but now they look scared.

Maya- Guys whata going on?

Lily- Didnt you heard the news this morning?

Maya- No. Why?

Ara- Riley died last night.

Maya- What? What happened?

Kate- I think a fast moving giant truck hit her.

Lily- Someone saw the incident. The guy said a girl threw Riley on the road before the truck could come.

Jill- Hey guys.

They saw Jill.

Lily- Hey Jill. Did you heard the news this morning?

Jill- No why would l watch?

Ara- Riley died because she was hit by a fast moving truck

Jill- Oh. Sounds horrible.

She didnt have any emotion on her voice.

The bell rang. Maya and Jill went to history class.

Mrs. Pines- Im sure you all heard the news this morning. Riley died because she got hit by a fast moving truck. You should all becareful before you cross the road so this never happens again. Make sure to look left and right before you cross the street. Anyway, lets go back to our lesson.

I know its a bad ending. I was tired when I was writing this.

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