An Idiots Spell | Part 3

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After she gave me a couple large crumbs of some food she'd made herself, she put me down right outside her room on a little table for a few minutes. We'd decided that it'd be smart to go over to my Home while we knew Nobody was Home and wouldn't get caught.

I sat on the wooden surface observing my surroundings, when she came back out wearing worn black jeans, brownish boots, her Marshmallow-like jacket she was still zipping up, which was covering up the Panic! Jacket she was Wearing underneath.

"You ready to go?" She asked me for some reason.

I replied with "Nah. Got a Table here to make sure doesn't get stolen. I'll wait here." While sticking my tougne out and winking.

She replied back by moving her hand underneath me and picking up my falling form and held me up while thinking about something.

"Where do I put you? It'll look weird if I just hold you. Plus you'll freeze."

"I honestly don't know." I anwsered. "Wait grab my pho-blahbity blrh Words." Rambling like I don't know English again, I'm amazing at Talking. "Down where you found me, to the right in the dark my Phone fell their."  Cayenne finally understood the hell I was saying and grabbed it real quick, slipped it in her pocket alongside hers, and then decided to just hold me up in her hand loosely enough to not squeeze me in her Left hand.

---30 Minutes Later--

"Burr." Cayenne whispered to herself after she walked in silence.

"Cold?" I half-jokingly asked.

"Be glad your currently size to fit in my hand, cause I bet your warmer than I am right now." She lightly whispered loudly enough for only me to hear. I guess that's be something I benift, is that I was really warm. It felt like I had four layers of thick jackets on, but I wasn't sweating, and it wasn't uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually, regardless of how hot I felt.

My neck was starting to hurt from all the movement I felt and I'd decided to lay my head on a thumb beside me just cause. Their was something quite comforting being wrapped completely in someone's hand gently. A weird sensation I didn't know how to explain.

"What street is your house on again? Layla? Are you sleeping?!" She lightly shook me, drowning my thoughts out and I stopped spacing out.

"Sorry, wasn't paying attention to reality." I said jerking my head up. "Right, yeah. Just turn left on next block."

"Okay." She replied.

She walked in more silence as  busy cars drove by us, puddles of the once snow melted almost completely gone from the recent weather, and the breeze from being the size I am and moving at a regular walking pace, all the senses I could use at the moment. After the initial Awkwardness from earlier, Cayenne seemed to had forgotten about it, or, at least, wasn't showing any sign of caring about that right now.

"Which house was it again? It was the... Pink, one?" Questionably asked.

"Yeah, that one is actually it."

"Yay I remember for once." And then stopped at the sidewalk to my front door. "How we get in?"

"Just go in the back," I told her. "Theirs a Password lock on that door so we can get in."

"Ah, makes sense." She said, starting to move me again, but a little too fast, making me terrified and grabbed hold of her Thumb with both arms. Walking through the gate, she stood at the door while I told her the pin like three times before I got it right, and we were in. And boy, did it look weird seeing the home I've grown up in a supersized manner!

"Where'd you do it at?" She said, now in a louder voice, knowing we weren't gonna have a visitor.

"Living room. It's to the right then left after tge stairs." And then movement started once more.

She took her time to look at the Kitchen and Dining Room thuroughly since she'd never been here before now, and I let her. She showed me some of her house, might as well let her look. After about four or so minutes she finally walked into the living room and we found the book just laying their opened to a random page.

"Oh no, no no no, no no, No!" I screamed as loudly as my little lungs could handle. "All the Book markers fell out! It took so fucking long to find the ones I did!" I don't even remember the page, the correct spell it was called Exactly, I don't remember anything but  I did a few and what Happened cause of it.

"We don't have time to search forever. We gotta get back home." She said while looking at her phone.

"Why? Aren't they out of town?" I anxiously Questioned.

"Fuck we gotta go." She said while grabbing the Book after putting her Phone away.

"Wait why?"

She looked at me in her other hand and said "Mom just texted me saying it was closed this weekend and that they'd be back right in the Morning." So that meant I'd be stuck for awhile most likely as well, and my family would worry too.

"Could ya grab my other Phone and Diary first if I'm gonna be stuck with ya for a few days?" I blurted.

"Sure. Where they at." And after shoving those in pockets, she went out the door we came through, and started to hurry home as fast as she could without harming me. Still comfortable ride though.

I could feel my eyes slowly close as my head hit her thumb once again and I somehow fell asleep in the palm of Cayenne's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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