Chapter 9

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I decided to wait on sending Grandmother a letter about my in-counter with Billy. It just didn't seem right for me to say it in writing rather than telling her physically.

I was standing by the stove, warming myself up some soup that Anne brought over from her house. I was too busy to realize until Nate came in startling me.

"Sorry," He said noticing my jumpy-ness. "I just want to let you know I'm going down to the  Cuthbert's Home to help Mathew out at the farm."

I nodded my head and turn back to the soup.

"Will you...will you be okay?" He asked

I nodded my head again, not bothering to turn around.

I heard him walk past me and head out the back door to go to the Cuthbert's house. Once I finished my soup, I washed the bowl in the sink and placed it back onto the shelf.

I then went up to my room to tidy-up. Ever since I went home two days ago, my room had been a total disaster. Grandmother would be really pissed off if she seen the looks of my room.

Grandmother.. I though totally forgetting about her.

She said that she would be back in two days from her trip. Usually she would be back by now. Concerned, I finished making my bed and cleaning my room and hurried down stairs to see where she was.

Maybe she mailed something to let us know she would be staying a little longer? I thought hopping that I was correct.

I grabbed my boots and coat, to head to the town to see if the post office had received anything from Grandmother.

Just when I was about to leave, I forgot to write a note to Nate so that he wouldn't freak out if I was gone.

Gone into town.

After I wrote the note a placed it on the kitchen table and headed outside.


When I reached the Post Office, I walked inside to see Billy collecting his families packages and letters.

I pulled my hat lower to my face so that he wouldn't see me. He was on the other side of the room, talking to the Postman.

I quickly walked as faraway from him as possible and walked up to the second booth to see if I had received any letters. The Postman noticed me and excused himself to help me.

Billy still hadn't seen me yet.

The Postman smiled down at me, his old face wrinkled while doing so.

"What can I do for you miss?" He asked

"I...I would like to see if I received any letters from my grandmother, Regina Parkinson." I say my voice shaking a little.

He nodded his head.

"Oh, so you must be Evelyn! Your grandmother always talked about you." He said smiling brighter and turning away to fetch my letters.

I gulped, I could feel Billy's eyes burning holes on the side of my head.

Once the Postman came back he had a few letters in his hand.

"Some of these are taxes, but I think one of them is from your grandmother." He says handing them forward to me.

"I'll be going then. Thank you sir." I say quickly leaving the Office.

I didn't mean to be so rude, but I had to get out of that place if Billy was in there.

I rushed out the door, not bothering where I was going. With my luck, I bumped into somebody's hard chest.

It was Gilbert's.

He seemed confused to see me here in town, then his face grew slightly angry.

"Evelyn what are you doing here? You should be at home." He says gripping my shoulders with his hands.

I shooked his hands off my shoulders.

"I can handle myself Gilbert." I say crossing my arms. "I don't need everybody babying me all the time!"

This seemed to make him madder.

"Handle yourself? Evelyn, you clearly can't handle yourself because Billy harmed you." He said the last part.

Anger went threw my body.

"Screw you Gilbert! It's not like I could have done anything. I was fricken tied up! I couldn't do anything about it." I say not caring of the stares I was getting.

I began to walk away from Gilbert until he grabbed the side of my waist, pulling me to him.

"I'm not saying you were helpless. I'm just pissed that Billy did those things I you and that he got away with it too." He says his anger melting away. "Evelyn, I care about you. More than you could imagine." He grab a piece of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

My breath hitched.

Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath on my face. He then placed both his hands on each side of my face. Bringing his lips to my forehead and kissing it.

"Gilbert..." I say trying to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me.

"Please Evelyn, at least let me take you back home."

I sigh.

"Gilbert I don't think-"

"Please..." he begged, grabbing onto my hand with his.


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