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Which is the most flirtatious of all the zodiac signs? Which is the friendliest one? Lets see.

Aquarius can be independent, original and empathetic and are often smart. Because of this intellectual stimulation is one of the biggest romantic pleasures for an aquarius.

Pisces are incredibly romantic, generous and loyal to their lucky partners. So one night stand is out, they will just leave you there on the couch.

Aries feel the desire to take the initiate when it comes to romance, and become energetic and excited about love. They show their love by giving them gifts and affection.

Physical pleasure is important to most born under Aries, so they look for a partner that is good making you feel.. Good ? Get it?
If you're innocent, ignore that and just keep reading.

They are very responsible to his or her senses, and potential lovers. Stability is must for people under this sign, and most of Taurus should avoid thrill seeker and partiers who might take them on a wild ride they won't enjoy.

You need to look for a partner than can provide you an intellectual game but who also is a good communicator. When talk and physical touch combine, the Gemini is happy.

They may flirt with many people before deciding to date someone.

Feelings are very important to them, they will rush to care for the hurt emoticons of others, and are highly sympathetic. They are one of the leaders of the zodiac so most of them are the dominant. Cancer girls can be submissive but they will get bored so they will try new things such as...
Trying to manipulate their partner and be on top.

They don't tell their problems to you even if you're their best friend or partner. But that doesn't mean they don't trust you, that's their problem, they will solve it on their own.

They are often extremely sincere in their affections,and easily show their feelings. When they're in love, they are fun, loyal, warm and very nice to the people they adore and are willing to gently take the lead in a relationship.

They need stable relationship with a partner who cares for them and makes them feel safe enough to open up. If this is you, look for someone who is kind and caring, not horny all the time or fucking abusive.

They are very compatible with most personality types, but should look for others who are, above all, willing to work at a peaceful harmonious relationship.

Scorpio is the most sensual of all the signs, and are extremely passionate and intimate when it comes to love. Look for honest and intelligent partners. Trust your partners until that partners proves untrustworthy.

Find a partner who enjoys humor and has a playful side. They need to be open, excited about life and optimistic. But don't trust them too much because if you do that, you might get hurt.

Capricorn can be difficult to get close to because they express their love through action rather than words. But once they are sure that they like you, they are very loyal and responsible.

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