41. 𝔃𝓼

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ᏃᎾᎠᏆᎪᏟ ᏚᏆᏩNᏚ // stereotype vs reality

Aries -
Stereotype - they don't have feelings
Reality - they have feelings,it just takes them a long time to be close to you. They could be actually your teddy bear.

Taurus -
Stereotype - stubborn bitches
Reality - they're just independent and scared to let people in their life right away

Gemini -
Stereotype - two faced
Reality - not at all

Cancer -
stereotype - Clingy
Reality - it's rare for them to be like that because they only gets clingy to people who are clingy with them as well. They ain't crazy or overbearing if you don't want them to be.

Leo -
Stereotype - only are about themselves
Reality - they actually love to give people some advice and listen to other people's issues , they're very nice and sweet.

Virgo -
Stereotype - assholes
Reality - they have some huge ass shield when you meet them but after you get to know them, they're actually soft.

Libra -
Stereotype - they're indecisive
Reality - daily decisions might be hard but these guys , you don't have to worry about them backing out on promises or commitments

Scorpio -
Stereotype - they only care about sex
Reality - they love passionate things , if you give them passionate love , text messages or you make them happy , they'll crave that more than sex.

Sagittarius -
Stereotype - selfish
Reality - they care about people and they help most of the people who's around them. They'll stop doing what they were doing just to comfort someone that they love.

Capricorn -
Stereotype - always serious
Reality - they're actually goofy, you just have to know them before they show you that side

Aquarius -
Stereotype - don't give a shit to anyone
Reality - they have huge hearts and they just don't know how to show it sometimes

Pisces -
Stereotype - emotional
Reality - they're not emotional too the point where they're always crying , they're just really passionate and loving and they love to express it

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