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"I know that was dangerous and I could've been caught." I said to my brother for the millionth time.

"Someone could've found out what you are. Hojoon said with a concerned voice. "I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I AM!" I yelled at Hojoon.

I can tell he was startled by my sudden raise of voice so I tried to lighten the mood. "If you have any information please call 555-678-4827."

I guess Hojoon knew what I was doing and he busted out laughing. I let out a heavy sigh knowing that he was fine with me yelling at him. All of a sudden he abruptly stopped laughin. "Don't EVER raise your voice at me AGAIN."

I was startled by his sudden raise of his voice and he could tell. He busted out laughing again.

I awkwardly laughed a very fake laugh and slowly made my way to my room where I sat and stared at my favorite wall. It's a very nice wall.

After a solid 30 minutes of staring at the wall I went out my room and saw my brother sleeping on the couch. I know what you're probably thinking I'm gonna put a blanket over him or kiss his head or something then go out.

Well that's incorrect. Instead I stopped in my tracks and thought of something diabolical.

I went into my room and got a camera and set it up to record this important moment in history.

Next I went into the kitchen and got a bowl of warm water and poured it on him to make it look like he peed. Last I woke him up with an air horn.

It took him a while to wake up but when he did his reaction was priceless.

I now have a new source of blackmail for the next year or two. MUA HAHAHA *coughs* HAHAHA!

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