Chapter 1 ~New♥Home~

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(A/N: Mates..This Chapter 1 is when Elsa & Jack r kidz ..chap. 1- 'chap. _')

Anna- 7 yrs old, Elsa- 8 yrs old, Jack- 9 yrs old, Emma 6 yrs old.

Elsa POV~

“Elsa! Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!!!!!” My little sister anna waking me up..

“Anna go back to shleep…” Zzzzzz and Anna starts to tickle me..

“Anna!!! AHHAHAHA STOP—IT!!!” I told her

“Srsly?? You want me to go back to sleep..HELLOW?!?! its MORNING!!!And we need to PACK NOW!!”

She started Pulling me UP… “ OK!! Ok…” I yawned & take a Shower I wore my Blue dress, white socks above the knee and blue doll shoes..And Im done Packing my clothes and things

I take down stairs and saw my Mom making Anna’s hair into pigtails

“Mom, can u Braid my hair…PWEASE” I told my mom “Ok Dear” shes starts to  braid my hair into French braid and she place the a hair band so its not look messy..

“You look BEAUTIFUL elsa :D” Anna told me “You look CUTE ANNA XD” I softly pinch Anna’s cheeks

“Thank you Mom ” I kiss Mom’s cheek “Your welcome dear ”

“Elsa, Anna. You should eat Breakfast before Playing with Olaf ok?? Im just waiting for your Dad from work, so we can go now to Burgess”

“Yes, Mommy “ We eat Breakfast and after with Olaf..

Olaf is our Husky by the way  ….later on..Daddy’s HOME!!

“Daddy!!!!!” Anna running and starts hugging Daddy, I’m just stay with Olaf. So he can’t run away somewhere and lost..

“Are you excited for our NEW Home???” Dad told us..

“YES!!!” Anna SQUEEEELZZED.. Im just say ‘Yes’ in proper way…

“Ok Girls..get in the Car while me and your dad place our bags in the car” Mom told us

I got in the Blue Volkswagen Golf Car, I sit between Olaf & Anna

~Lunch Break, Still in the Car~

“Are we there yet??” Anna told mom & dad while munching chicken burger from McDonalds and sipping McFloat while waiting there answers…

“I think that’s a nope...” I told Anna while drinking McFloat

“Are we there yet?” I told dad while eating Fries with Mom..

“Patient Girls…” Dad told us... “Ok...” :/

~After 20 mins~

“Are we there yet??” I said sleepily...

“Not yet...” Mom told us “Just a minute Girls” Anna & I started counting…


~After 60 seconds~


“YES!!!!” MOM & DAD SHOUT BACK…Dad starts to park the car…WOW…ITS A WHITE AND L.BLUE MANSION 

“YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” FINALLY!!! FOR THOR SAKE!!!

Anna & I went to our bedrooms and unpack.

Its 4:36 pm & Anna was sleeping in her Princess style bed…mine was  winter design.

I get down stairs and saw Mom cooking for our dinner & dad was watching news…

“Dad? Can I go outside?? With Olaf” I told dad. “Sure Elsie..just in front of our house…ok?”

“THANKS DAD :D!! “ I kissed dad's cheeks and get Olaf…

Me & Olaf went outside..later on I hear a dog’s barks and Olaf started barking and Runs away

“OLAF!! COME BACK HERE!” I follow Olaf..

It’s just a few meters in our mansion and I saw Olaf ‘Flirting thingy’ to the other HUSKY?! I bet it’s a girl XD Lol I giggle and staring at them...later on I lift my head up…And I saw..

A boy in Silver/White hair, Blue Hoodie jacket, And Brown Denim shorts ’for boys obvsly’ And its look like were same age, his w/ the Girl husky…And he’s staring at me like a…IDK? Coz it looks weird, I started waving my hands on he's face… he's cute by the way..WAIT WAT?!!? Why im saying that thing…I snap out my self…


HI MATES!! Elsa has a crush on him..Bet who’s ‘HIM’ ,srry if I have a wrong Grammar??? Idk, And for a Short chapter :/ ,Just wait for the Chapter 2!! BAY BAY!!


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