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I woke up hearing a loud thumping noice and when I opened my eyes I saw Elena staring at me. We were seated on some old dusty couch in an abandoned house. When I went to stand up to investigate she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"You're awake? I thought you gave her enough vervain to keep her out for hours." A woman with a pixie cut said as she walked into the room.

"I did. Her strength is amazing, isn't it?" A man asked joining her in the room with a creepy smile.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked standing up to face the woman who was clearly in charge.

"Rose, and this is Trevor. We wish no harm upon you." She said and I looked down at the wooden table in front of me before looking back to Rose.

With an impressive speed I slammed my foot into the table breaking it before grabbing one of the legs and threw it, landing it in Trevor's chest. It hit him so hard he was thrown back into a wall about three feet. I had just missed his heart.

"Consider that a warning shot." I said with a smirk as I picked up another stake.

Rose looking at Trevor with wide eyes gave me enough time to speed at her with, I pinned her to a wall and held the wood at her neck.

"Enough." A voice said causing my head to turn quickly in the other direction. A man in a suit stood with a cocky smirk on his lips.

"Elijah." Rose breather out with only fear in her voice, so I let her go and took a defensive step towards him.

"I heard you requested a meeting, Rose-Marie." He said walking further into the room. His eyes never did leave mine.

"Who the hell cares what she wants! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill all three of you!" I yelled as I took another step towards the man while Rose and Trevor shook in fear. Elijah's faced just looked amused which pissed me off even more.

"Foolish girl he's an original." Rose said and I scoffed as I held a hard glare at him.

"Is that supposed to intimidate me?" I asked raising a brow and he chuckled.

"Not in the slightest, though your abilities are unimaginable for such a young vampire." He said and I smirked taking another step towards him, gripping the stake in my hand.

"Is that your way of saying I'm better than you?"

"On the contrary, but there is definitely more to you than meets the eye." He said staring at me with such wonder in his eyes. It honestly scared the hell out of me.

"How do you suppose such a young vampire was able to fight you off, Rose?" Elijah asked her but she looked as lost as he did.

"She's strong, one of the strongest I've ever come across." Rose said but to Elijah it seemed like she was holding something back.

"Liv." Elena called out worriedly as she walked into the eyesight of the vampires.

"Katerina." Elijah said with widened eyes.

"Wrong doppelgänger." I said immediately pulling her behind me.

"She's human." Rose said and Elijah just stared at her, almost amazed.

"I see, and you want me to accept this girl and pardon your treacherous acts?" Elijah asked and she rapidly nodded.

"It's a fair deal. I will take the girl, both of them actually." He added and I tilted my head in confusion.

"But before I go-" Elijah went to say as he sped at Trevor and decapitated him. Rose went to attack, but Elijah stopped her.

"Don't Rose, now that your are free." Elijah said and she fell to Trevor's side in a sob.

"Nice one. Personally I wouldn't of been so dramatic about it. Stake to the heart typically does the trick, no need to make a scene." I said and he just chuckled a bit.

"You do realize we are gonna have to fight now, right?" I asked and he raised a brow.

"Is that right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well, you see you want to take my friend, here and I just can't let you. See, the problem here?" I asked and now he looked slightly annoyed.

"I could kill you without even trying." He said and I smirked.

"I don't know if you know this, but I'm actually captain of the cheerleading squad." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" He asked and I smiled.

"You ready to get your ass kicked by a cheerleader?" I asked holding my stake up.

"Bring It on." He said and I had to hold back my laugh at the movie reference.

"Wait! What about the moonstone." Elena yelled and Elijah turned to her.

"Elena shut up! I got this." I said but it was no use. She had his attention.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" He asked raising a brow.

"I know that you need it, and I know where it is." Elena said and I sighed. Well, it was over. Guess he wasn't getting his ass kicked by a cheerleader.

"Are you negotiating with me?" Elijah asked.

"First I've ever heard of it." Rose said.

He attempted to compel Elena, but then noticed her necklace. He ripped it from her neck and threw it across the room. He compels the information out of her, but stops as a glass breaks somewhere else in the house.

"What is that?" Elijah asked Rose.

"I don't know."

"Who else is in this house?" He asked getting the same response.

He grabbed Elena and I's arms and began dragging us towards the door. A vampire sped around us causing Elijah to push us to the side.

"Up here." I heard Stefan say and Elijah sped up the stairs.

"Down here." Damon said and Elijah turned to look at us. When he did so he was shot with a stake.

Elena and I were grabbed from the spot we were in and hidden with Damon and Stefan.

Damon pinned me to a wall and held his finger to my lips to shush me.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat you cannot beat me." Elijah said ripping off a piece of a wooden coat rack.

"So I want the girls on the count of three or heads will roll." Elijah said as he started to count down.

Damon pushed me towards the opening where Elena walking into Elijah's sight.

"We'll come with you. Just please don't hurt our friends. They just wanted to help us." Elena said. Elijah sped towards us scaring Elena.

"What game are you playing with me?" He asked.

Elena pulled out a vervain grenade and through it in Elijah's face. Elena and I dove out of the way and the Salvatore's finished him off.

When the noise stopped Elena and I walked down the stairs to see Elijah staked into the wall.

"Let's go I need a hot shower and preferably a shirt that doesn't have blood on it." I said walking out to Damon's car.

"You look good for someone who was just kidnapped." Damon said and I rolled my eyes.

"Keep dreaming Salvatore."

When I got home I saw Caroline and Tyler very close in the living room. They both jumped to apologize, but I shrugged it off and went straight to bed.

I didn't bother me that they we're hanging out without me. It bothered me that neither asked me if I was okay, or even where I had been.

Light and Darkness•Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now