Leaving Heaven

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"Raguel are you sure about this. If you do this there's no turning back. Since you're traveling to a different universe then you'll be outside the system but it'll take a lot of energy for a full return trip. Communication and reinforcements are possible but other than that, I don't know."

"I'm certain brother I'll be fine. This is what I've decided to do with my life. I'm setting sail in an hour for Fuushia. Tell everyone who wants to join me to meet me at my ship at noon. Not a minute more."

'I still can't believe something like this is happening. Its completely unheard of. An archangel becoming a pirate. What makes even less sense is the number of followers he has with him. His sense of justice is what got him his title, after we discovered that rift I was surprised he didn't enlist to the marines. I'll never understand him.' I sigh as I look over my mountain of paperwork half wishing I could join him.

Time Skip...
Its noon time to set sail. I look at my crew of about a dozen people. It took a lot of smooth talking but I manage to get a location to get my crew from this side of the rift in a spot which wouldn't cause a war.

Angels side- Irina, Dulio, Gabriel
Devils- Tannin, Vali, Serafall, Ravel
Fallen- Mittelt, Amduscias
Hero- Arthur, Le Fae, Kuroka

"Everyone's here captain just as you ordered. Everything is ready to set sail." Noted my first mate Irina.

"Noted. Gabriel you do understand that you don't have to come with us right? You have a good life here why are you joining a pirate crew?" I voice the question that I know the rest of us were thinking. It just doesn't make sense. The strongest woman in heaven is willingly joining a pirate crew.

"Like I'd let my best friend go to another dimension without me. Besides its the same reason as you. Since the business with the hero faction is settling down I've become bored so piracy in a land where we can't fall seems like a good idea."

I know she's copying me but she makes a good point so I decide to just roll with it.

"Time to set sail."


"I turn to see Raziel fly down with a weapon concealed in a cloth but I recognize it instantly. It was my sword. I almost forgot about it.

"My nodachi, I'd almost forgotten about it. Thank you for looking after it for me Raziel. I'm going to miss you all so much."

"Same here brother. Just remember that you always have a place here." He says as he goes to stand on the shore with the others who'd come to see us off.

"Fly the colors." I yell to Ravel and Mittelt who unfurl the Jolly Roger which is a standard skull and crossbones with a pair of angel wings behind the skull.

As the ship starts to move I take my place at the helm. "Prepare yourselves you scurvy dogs. This is history in the making. We're the first band of pirates from four different factions to cross into an entirely different dimension. Fair bit of warning before we leave, while we're in that dimension we'll still have our powers and abilities but things will be completely different. Take every logical thing you think you know and throw it out the window."

I look down and smile at my crew as we reach the gate. The ship is big enough to hold all of us including tannin in his dragon form, though he's in a humanoid one at the moment, and we'll still have enough for more.

Here we go. And with that we left our old lives behind.

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