Character Information!

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Here's some help if needed when reading! I address the characters by their real names, but occasionally do use their 'In-game name'. This is for the new fandom joiners! Don't worry, I was 'one of those' newbies that used to be really confused when someone called the character by their real name. So- why not help out our fellow Overwatch fans?

D.Va (Hana Song)
Lucio (Lúcio Correia dos Santos)
Reinhardt (Reinhardt Wilhelm)
Ana (Ana Amari)
Pharah (Fareeha Amari)
Zenyatta (Tekhartha Zenyatta)
Genji (Genji Shimada)
Hanzo (Hanzo Shimada)
Torbjorn (Torbjörn Lindholm)
Reaper (Gabriel Reyes)
Widowmaker (Amélie Lacroix)
Tracer (Lena Oxton)
Winston (Winston)
Junkrat (Jamison Fawkes)
Roadhog (Mako Rutledge)
Mercy (Angela Ziegler)
Moira (Moira O'Deorain)
McCree (Jesse McCree)
Symmetra (Satya Vaswani)
Zarya (Aleksandra Zaryanova)
Soldier 76 (Jack Morrison)
Mei (Mei-Ling Zhou)
Bastion (Bastion)
Orisa (Orisa)
Sombra (Olivia Colomar)
Doomfist (Akande Ogundimu)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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