p * Chapter 2 *

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Holly: Wow!

                           Let me fill you in, I am writing in my journal now. Danny lives in this huge log cabin on 15 acres of land. He has a pond, a huge barn,and 13 horses! Wow is right! I didn't think i would be nervous but I am!

Susan: Honey, just because Danny had all of this stuff it shouldn't make you nervous. Your here to do what you have always wanted to do. Be with horses! Ride them, wash them, train them and brush them. Just do your best!

Holly: Mom, your right You're going to come talk to Danny before you leave right?


                                            Holly has a worried look on her face when she asked that question

Susan: Would it make you feel better?

Holly: Yes.

                                            Holly mumbled look down as they got out of the car and walk up to Danny's navy blue front door with a wreath on it. Susan knocks but there is not an answer.

Susan: Maybe he's in the barn, again? Every time I have come here he has been in there.

Holly: Oh.

                              Journal time; RED FLAG! Mom has been here before!? He just got settled, like 6 months ago and she has been here. I don't even know what to think right now! Let me just focus on getting this job because it is going to be my escape from my new life.

                                                Susan and Holly walk to the barn right of the house. The barn two story's, the bottom floor is were Danny's horses and other peoples horses are cause Danny boards them. The top floor is extra supplies for the horses, extra hay, washing brush, treats, helmets and other things. Walks in the barn.

Holly: Oh My Sparkles! This barn is unbelievable!  Why is there stairs?

                                               Danny pops out from the tackle room.( a room with saddles and bridles. )

Danny: There's an up stair.

                                                 Susan and Holly jump!!

Susan: There you are. We were looking everywhere for you.

Holly: Ya, so where are all the horses?

                                                     Holly notices that none of horses are in stables.

Danny: Oh, there in the field.

Holly: You have a field?

                                                    Holly is shocked and really excited so she runs to the back of the barn with is open and sees all of the horses running as a pack.

Holly: This is amazing!

Susan: Well, I have to run! Holly do your best and have fun. I know you are going to do wonderfully! I love you.

                                                  Susan and Danny hug

Susan: It was really good to see you again.

Danny: Definitely! Would like to come have dinner today? 

Susan: Sure! Just call me when y'all are done with the horses.

Danny: I will.

Susan: Bye Holly! I love you!

Holly: Love you too! Tell Dad I love him!

Susan: I will Honey!

Danny: You Mom is married?!

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