Chapter 1: Drake

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Chapter 1: Drake

"... Drake get up it's time for school!", I get out of my bed and take a shower, while I'm in the shower I think about her, will I finally ask her on a date? Then my father yells that breakfast is ready, I get out of the shower and dry myself, then I get dressed, I choose red casual trousers and a black T-shirt. I go downstairs and I see that my dad baked me some pancakes, I eat my pancakes, say goodbye to my dad and get my bicycle. While get my bicycle I see someone standing in the corner of the shed, it is dark so I don't see who it is. "Hey, who are you?" I yell, but I don't get an answer. So I turn the lights on, while I do that I hear that the person is running away, I turn around and only see red hair flying around the corner. It doesn't bother me, so I take my bicycle and cycle to school. 

As I arrive at school so does she, I quickly walk to the door, afraid to say something stupid to her. I rush to my locker, and put my jacket and my lunch in it, but when I want to turn around she stands behind me. "Hello Drake, how are you?" she asks. I answer her: "Hello Maria, I'm fine, but how are you?" And I start to talk to her, but then she comes to the point and asks who I like, I turn as red as an apple I think and I get even more red when I think of it, but then the bell rings. I'm saved by the bell!

I go to my Physics class and start to daydream about Maria, suddenly the fire alarm goes off and everyone hurry's outside, first we think it's a fire practice but then we smell the smoke, everyone gets scared. We hurry outside, but I walk in the back of everyone when suddenly the ceiling collapses and falls in front of me, now I can't get out of here I turn around to go to the other stairs, but as I reach them I hear someone coming up the stairs. I yell: "I'm up here help me!" But as I descend the stairs I see a woman but as I look it turns into a demon, the demon has long red burning hair, eight legs which almost look like tentacles, and 4 arms with on each hand long sharp deadly nails. 

It turns around, and grins at me, "Hello Drake, I've been waiting for you" she said "I watched you in your shed to make sure you would go to school." I startle, how does it know my name? Who or what is it? I ask it: "Who or what are you?" It answers: "I'm a Brellga, a demon with fire as hair, I'm still a youngling and got the mission to destroy you! Suddenly my arm bleeds; she cutted me with her nails! I start to run upstairs, and run to the point where the ceiling collapsed, I try to climb over the rubble but it is too high to climb over, I try to hide, but it's too late it had already seen me and runs to me at full speed, I jump away but it's not good enough.

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