Chapter 2: Hunter

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 Chapter 2: Hunter


I hear screaming coming out of the school, someone is in trouble! I rush to the school and see that it’s burning. It doesn’t look like a normal fire, but like someone or something is spreading the fire. I see the fireman; they are trying to extinguish the fire. Around the school there are policemen trying to hold everyone at distance. I ignore them and sprint towards the entrance of the school, I hear them yelling at me to don’t enter the school, while I am sprinting I smell the smoke of the fire, but it doesn’t smell like a normal fire but it smells like roses...

As I enter the school the smell of roses gets stronger. For some reason I know where to go to, I run to the stairs that lead to the 1st floor and run up the stairs. When I reach the 1st floor I notice the rubble of the collapsed ceiling, and I hear someone scream for help, I know exactly who screams, Drake! I never met Drake, but I knew that he was in trouble. Before I went to this school my friend Anne told me that she had seen a Brellga, a demon with fire as hair and that can spit fire too. That is what caused the fire! I ran to the rubbish and jumped over it, as I jumped I saw the boy, Drake, rolling on the ground, he was on fire! As soon as I landed I turned to the Brellga, I saw that it was still a young one so no match for me. I get my bow from my back and unsheathe an arrow. I place the arrow in my bow, aim carefully and shoot the arrow right through its right eye. As my arrow pierces its right eye the Brellga begins to spit fire. I almost get hit by the flames and feel the searing heat of the flames on my arms. To my astonishment the Brellga doesn’t die, and it turns towards me and says: ‘’I’m Gersha, a female Brellga’’. Something is wrong she is way to powerful for a youngling.

I take a fire extinguisher, extinguish Drake and help him up. As I help Drake to get up I keep Gersha at distance with the fire extinguisher. After Drake gets up we run away, around the corner to one of the physics classrooms, and hide in a closet. But we hear her yell; ‘’Drake and that other boy, where arrrreee youuu?” I look through a hole in the closet and see her entering the classroom, her nails dragging over the floor, burning every table and chair that is in the way. She walks past the closet a couple of times, her nails dragging over the floor, spitting fire around and whispering Drake’s name.

Eventually after 15 minutes she walks towards the exit of the classroom. Then she exits the classroom and I sigh of relief, and Drake asks me how I found him. I answer him; ‘’Well in the morning I heard from a friend of mine that she had sighted the Brellga, she said it was a young one, but she is way more powerful to be a youngling. When I hit her with an arrow in her eye she should’ve turned into dust! But she didn’t turn into dust… Maybe she is trained by the devil himself. And I knew I had to…” As I was in the middle of my explanation I heard the nails scratching the walls, the sound caused me to shiver, and I opened the closet to look where Gersha is. I sneak to the door opening and take a peek around the corner on the left, but as I look around the corner on the left I hear someone on the right of the corner, I turn my head and see Gersha dashing towards me. I run back to the closet, but halfway there I remember that Drake is in that closet, so I turn and run to the far corner of the room. I see that Gersha enters the classroom, and starts laughing; “You fool, did you think you could escape from me?” She didn’t know I had a plan, so I answered her; “I think I can escape from you, slow abomination!” This drives her insane, and she starts spitting fire at me, but I’m prepared, I wrap myself in a fire extinguishing blanket to hide from the flames. As I unwrap myself I see that Gersha looks at me with a foul look and charges at me, just like I was prepared for the fire I was prepared that she charged at me, I take an arrow out of the quiver and my bow from my back, I ready the bow and aim at her throat, I fire my arrow and kill her. I see her turn into dust.

After a moment when I caught my breath I walk to the closet to find Drake sitting on the bottom, I help him out and get up. And we walk out of the classroom, but as we walked through the corridor I hear a high pitch sound, like someone used helium and screamed, so we search the classrooms and found a girl sitting on the ground in a corner, she wears a white dress that falls over her knees and she has long black hair, I’ve played so many horror games so I know this is bad, really bad. But before I notice Drake walks up to her and he touches her shoulder while he asks how she is doing. This was a bad, bad idea. She turned around, with eyes as black as the night. She moans and I know this is the time to run away. I turn around and run as far as I could, while I am dragging Drake with me. In addition the power cut out because of the fire, so we don’t have any idea where we are going. We have luck that all the sunscreens are open so we still get some light. Till Drake says where we are going and where an exit is, we run as fast as we can to that exit, and exit the school building. But I know we need to get back to handle that girl.


I take Drake to the basecamp of the Exocutioners, the Exo’s for short, I’m the leader of the Exo’s and recently started new members to deal with the demons. As we walk to the basecamp Drake tells me that he knows that girl, it was Helga, a 15 year old student. After I heard this I think she is possessed by some foul demon, I probably know how she got possessed, but I won’t tell Drake that, because it is to horrifying. As we reach basecamp I call everyone together so Drake can introduce himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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