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Tanya's arm started to quiver, her eyes bulged, and her teeth seemed to be escaping from her mouth. Tanya has only one best friend named Sarah, who is a year older than her. Sarah was a brilliant mind. But a socially awkward soul. Tanya was nervous for she had to go to the store to get a school uniform. Usually in stores people stared at her when she quiverd or shook around in the basket. And how her eyes would bulge when she tried to focus. Or how her teeth always seemed to be trying to escape her mouth. Sarah understood how people stared, when she was little she had a klef lip and still had a very small speech impediment. "Tanya, how do you feel about getting a new pair of sapphire crystal earings while we are out?" Asked a very ready Sarah. Tanya shook a bit then nodded. "Ye-ye-es. I would li-li-i-ike that." A frightened Tanya shook in her own words, could she hold it together for one store visit... Tanya thought in her crowded mind about what people would say about her in the store if her mother did not stand up for her.

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