A traitor in their mids

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Rain fell onto Bashsa's armor. The people around her rushed home with their shopping. Badly enough the heavy rain had surprised everyone. At first it had been a sunny day, then suddenly, rain. Bashsa was waiting for a Death Watch spy. The spy was already to late.
"If the spy doesn't turn up in the next couple of minutes, find him and kill him." Lieutenant Kryze's voice filled Bashsa's Helmet Com. She could only grin.
"How do I know who the spy is?"
Silence. The only thing both of them could hear was one another's breathing or swallowing. After a while Bashsa decided to break the silence.
"I can't see anyone. The streets are as good as empty. They seemed full of life just moments ago. Now they are almost dead."
Lieutenant Bo-Katan Kryze sighed annoyed.
Bo-Katan and Bashsa spent the next hour or so talking about the clone war.
After the good hour, the spy finally turned up, to find an annoyed and wet Bashsa Bralov.
"Kaysh mirsh solus!" Bo-Katan cursed.
The spy looked at Bashsa, who wore a Nite Owl armor with a modified helmet to fit her montrals and lekku, with disgust.
"Who are you supposed to be, slave? How did you even make it into the ranks of Death Watch, not to say the Nite Owls?"
Calling someone, who wasn't human, a slave made Bashsa very angry. She had been a Mandalorian ever since she could remember.
"Bic ni skana'din! Listen di'kut! I went through the same training as every other member. Everyone can become a mando'ad. I have been a mando'ad als long as I can remember!!"
It was hearable that Bo was enjoying herself.
"So many di'kute in the ranks of Death Watch. By the way, I just told Viszla that the spy came over a hour and a half to late."
"And? Any new orders? What to do with him? Did he ever come to late before this meeting?"
"He did. Viszla's orders are get the information, wait! Delay that order!"
Bo-Katan silenced her mic to listen to Viszla's new orders. The spy studied Bashsa, so she growled. With a shriek the man jumped backwards. A click was heard as Bo-Katan turned her mic back on. Lucky enough only Bashsa could hear Bo-Katan, who was on an entirely different planet.
"Viszla said kill him on spot and then search his house or flat, whatever he lives in."
Lieutenant Kryze didn't have to repeat the order twice. For Bashsa's luck the Spy wasn't much taller than she was. Two quick moves and he was at her height, one clean shot from one of her Westar-35 and the man was dead. No witnesses, just the way Bashsa liked it. The body couldn't just stay were it was.
"What about the body? We can't just leave it here."
"Your co pilot will take care of it then she will join you."
Bashsa searched the body before contacting her co pilot. Then she made her way to the dead spy's house. Weirdly enough the house was a five minute walk from Bashsa's position. The spy had been dumb enough to carry data pads, a key card, his ID and a comlink with him. Just moments later Bashsa's co pilot, a fellow Nite Owl came to give her back up.
It seemed like the spy had boobie trapped the flat in case someone broke in and wanted to steel his things or search it. Lucky for the two Nite Owls, the dead spy's family was home and the key card was for the flat, so the traps didn't go off.
"What about the aliit?" The nite owl aimed her Westar at the woman and the two children.
"I'll contact command." Bashsa waited for an answer. In the next couple of moments they got a new order.
"Kill the woman, take the ad'ike. They could be useful. While I'll search the house for anything suspicious."
While Bashsa searched the house, her fellow watcher took the children to the ship. The mother begged that they should take her instead of her children, without success.
As soon as the Nite Owl came back, the woman was executed.
There were many interesting things in the house of the former, now dead, Death Watch spy. Bashsa found Republic Medical supplies, other items of the galactic republic and a data pad full of vital information about Death Watch members, contacts and spies. The list was very long, it seemed like every member, spy and contact was on the list. Even the Nite Owls were on the list.
To Bashsa's surprise even her old ally Kohar Ordo and his son Tiuz Ordo were on the list, but to surprise not Kohar's daughter, Jai'galaar. Of course, she wasn't Death watch, nor was Jai'galaar a pacifist. So far Bashsa knew, Kohar's daughter was one of the very rare old mandalorians.
The Mandalorian culture had three splinter groups: Satine's new Mandalorians, the Old Mandalorians and Death Watch and Death Watch was split in two groups, the watchers, the men, and the Nite Owls, the women. The reason why the Old mandalorians were so rare was unknown to all. No body even knew if there where still some on Manda'yaim.
A voice ripped Bashsa out of her thoughts: "Sargent Bralov. What have you found?"
"Many interesting things. It looks like we found ourselves a traitor."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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