23- Bad Decisions

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When I wake up, I'm not sure where exactly I am. I'm in a bed, but it's not mine. I open my eyes but don't recognize the bedroom either. Before I have too long to try and figure out where I am, I hear a voice coming into the room.

"Good morning," It's Amber. I sit up some and see her walking in looking tired but pleasant. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Mhm," I mutter. My mouth is so dry. As I sit up some more, I remember why I'm at Amber's house instead of my own. We were at the bar for a while, dancing and having a good time. Sage hooked up with Wade in the alley behind the bar but he didn't last very long, so she came back in feeling aggravated and dissatisfied. We convinced her to just stay at Amber's house with us as a sleepover so that she wouldn't try to hook up with another guy last night.

So, here I am. Javier hung out with us for a while but after some time, I remember losing track of him, so I'm not sure where he ended up going.

"My dad made breakfast if you're hungry," She offers me. Her bedroom is half decorated with posters and Christmas lights on the walls, but it's half empty too and there's boxes lining the walls. She's going to college at the end of the summer, I remember, so this must be her packing.

"Sure. Thanks," I am hungry, mostly just thirsty. "Is Sage still here?"

"She's downstairs," Amber confirms.

When I get up, I adjust the dress that I'm still wearing and use a hair tie to pull my ratted hair into a bun on top of my head to keep it out of my face. I sluggishly follow Amber down a small hallway and then down some stairs into a kitchen where Sage is having a conversation with an older man about a sports team from the area.

"Oh, well look who's finally awake," Sage notices me coming down the stairs. "I think that out of all of us, you had the best night."


"You kissed Javier," She reminds me with a grin on her face. I use the sink to get myself a glass of water before I join everybody at the kitchen table. Amber's dad is right there but he doesn't seem to mind us talking about last night, even though I think that it's pretty obvious that we were drinking. Maybe he doesn't care because Amber actually wasn't drinking last night.

"Oh, god," I groan, hiding my reddening face behind my hands. "No, I didn't."

"You did," She insists. "It's not even like you kissed him back because he initiated it. No, you leaned over, and you did it. You totally made a move!"

"I didn't," I say again even though I know that it's true. I don't forget it, I just wish that I did. "I don't know what to do."

"Call him. I'm sure that Dex can get you his number," Amber insists. They're all eating French toast but I'm not really hungry, but I do chug the water in a few minutes because of how dry my throat was. "Ask him on a date or something."

"No. I can't do that," I shake my heavy head.

"Why not?"

I'm in love with your boyfriend. I think to myself but instead just stare down at the table.

"She gets nervous," Sage answers for me.

"This doesn't sound like Dad Talk," Amber's dad decides as he rises from the table with his empty plate. "I'm headed to the store. Need anything?"

"Nope, see you later," Amber waves off her father as he leaves the kitchen, leaving the three of us alone in the kitchen of her house.

"He obviously really likes you," Sage informs me.

"I know that he does," I mumble. "He told me last night."

"Seriously? What exactly did he say?" She looks excited. Both Amber and Sage lean in closer to me, as if they'll get the story faster if they're sitting closer to me.

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