1: Say It Ain't So

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Say It Ain't So - Weezer

(pic of Vlad)


"So over this first year, you'll be shadowing a resident in the university medical centre and the general one east

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"So over this first year, you'll be shadowing a resident in the university medical centre and the general one east. You'll be working closely with the doctors and surgeons." My professor spoke, walking around the room and handing us our assignments. "Now this is a bit unusual for your first year but you'll also be performing lab work three to four days a week and shadowing for one or two."­­­

I smiled my thank you and slid my envelope off the desk. Inside, I had three of my lab work assignments and the hospital I'd be working at: East General.

"What did you get?" My friend beside me whispered. I pushed my papers toward Jack. He was a sweet guy, twenty-five years, dark hair, blue eyes.

"East General, what about you?"

"Same. At least we're together." His smirk widened and I had to restrain myself from giving him a babied smile of my own.

Sweet, yes, but certainly not my type. He was too sweet. My dad would probably love him though.

Our professor dismissed our class with an excited good luck and everyone started packing their things away. One of the girls sitting up front glanced at Jack and I with a grin before jumping into stride beside us. Compared to my 5'9, this girl stood around my shoulder. The little blonde was a firecracker, one thing I'd learnt when we all went for after class drinks last week.

Gretchen was a wild one. Plus, she was extremely smart and so ready and excited to become a doctor. And when the girls met her last week, I think she stamped our seal of approval when she necked four tequila shots and washed it down with a Corona.

"Are you guys coming tonight?" Her smile widened.

"Tonight?" I wondered. "What's tonight?"

"Every few weeks of the new academic year, the town does a night like Mardi Gras. The streets will be filled with people, it'll be fun. It starts at 6pm, are you both down?"

Jack brushed his hands through his brunette hair with a chuckle. "Sure, why not."

"I'll ask my friends too," I replied with a smirk. "They'd definitely come."

"I don't know how the three of you walk around without noticing the attention you get because damn." Gretchen fanned her face with her assignment, her pale cheeks almost blushing for dramatic effect; I rolled my eyes. "It's honestly too much for anyone's eyes."

Jack nodded with an appreciative sound and I laughed uncomfortably. There was one thing that I'll never know how to handle, it's the "inhuman beauty" comments. I get that we are designed to lure humans in to feed. I get that. But I just didn't know what to do with it sometimes. Neither did Mia, I don't know about Nina.

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