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~your prov~~~~

I woke up laying on my computer, the keys slightly wet from my sliver I must have fell asleep editing till who knows what time. I moved over to my bed resting my legs on the softness of the mattress I slowly started to close my eyes when my phone alarm went off, my eyes widened I let out a small sigh before standing back up and turning it off.

I hopelessly wondered down the stairs and went to pour myself a drink, I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday they were slightly creased. I went to sit down on my sofa when a knock at my door echoed through the house, can't I be allowed to sit for just one minute! I thought to myself.

~normal prov~~~~

(y/n) went to open the door, it swung open to reveal her older brother Tyler. He lifted his arms up to give her a hug, he was so tall it felt like Pac-man eating a ghost, he finally let go and strolled into the house. You closed the door and looked at him "so what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here today?"

"Oh, well you know...things?" you look at him once more while he stares around your house closely examining your items. You snap your fingers and he's suddenly back into reality "anyway, I came to ask if you wanted to meet me and the guys later for some drinks and maybe dinner?" he's still looking around until he stops and stares at a t-shirt that had been sighed and framed onto the wall, the shirt was one of Wildcats old designs all the guys had signed it, Tyler gave it to you so you would never forget him. "Well I would love to come with you guys, so when are we meeting?" you ask him following where his gaze lied "erm now." You stare at him shocked "NOW? Why didn't you text or call ahead of time instead of telling me now!" he looked at you and smiled "I thought Evan would tell you last night".

"Evan?" you simply say, "well duh (y/n), he was supposed to tell you I mean it was his idea in the first place" you start to blush a little, "wait here I won't be long" you shout as you run upstairs leaving Tyler to rummage through your personal belongings.

~20 minutes later~~~

"I thought you said you wouldn't be long, its been 20 minutes the guys are waiting for us." Tyler said as you walked downstairs, "Quit moaning I wasn't that long" his smile quickly turned into a frown as he grabbed his car keys and started to walk out of the door. (btw you can wear whatever you want it's your choice) you sat next to him in his car as he started it up and drove to the meeting area him and Evan discussed about.

~time skip~your prov~~~

We arrived at the café, I saw David and the guys at the table Tyler led the way as I followed behind him. He started chatting to Evan while I was hugging David and Brian, I loved their Irish accents sometimes it was hard to understand them but that was mainly when they were shouting. I made my way to Evan we didn't hug I awkwardly said hi to him which he replied back and that was it, it felt weird not talking to him like usual I kind of blame Tyler for this it was fine until he had to say "Don't seduce my sister".

"Well who wants a drink?" David said as he started to get up, I jumped at the chance I wanted to get away from the awkward tension on the table. No one else gave it any thought, as I got up I heard Evan sigh behind me I just ignored it and followed David to the Que.

"So dude why didn't you tell (y/n) about today last night? I arrived at her house and she had no idea." Tyler said giving Evan glances before turning back to his phone, "I was going to but after what you said it went silent and before I could say anything she said she was going to leave." Evan nudged Tyler's arm making him look up annoyed by Evans actions, "you're just too afraid of talking to (y/n)" Brian chimed in, Evan blushed a little as Tyler shifted his gaze from his phone to Evan "wait you like my little sister?"

"NO" he whined "oh my god Evan you like her" Brian said "Shhhhh she'll hear you"

"Evan Fong in love with (y/n) (l/n) I can hear the wedding bells now" Brian said clasping his hands together, "the hell you don't" Tyler butted in acting like the big brother he was. Me and David walked back with drinks in our hands we passed them to each other and talked, I kept taking small sips my eyes aimed at Evan until he noticed me staring I smiled trying to be friendly he smiled back but it didn't last. I felt Tyler kick me under the table "ow what was that for?" he leans close to my ear "Stop flirting with him" I look at him for a moment a slight blush creeping up on my face "Me...flirting? Tyler you out of anyone must know that I don't flirt" he still had the same emotionless expression on his face "well it doesn't look like it to me" he says mumbling, he goes back to talking with David I look back to see Evan quickly move his gaze to his phone, is this how's its going to be from now on? I thought to myself.

~to be continued~~~

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