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In a land far from here, there lies a village full of people where beauty is only skin deep, and judgment is based on appearance and wealth. Two teenaged boys walked with a dog along the town the elder holding the leash and the younger's shoulder with a blindfold covering his eyes. They both looked similar with raven black gravity-defying star-shaped hair pale skin and a small frame and golden bangs that framed their faces, but that is where the likenesses end and the differences begin. The elder had goldenrod bangs that framed his face and went up into his raven black and crimson amethyst tipped hair slightly sharper features and somewhat taller than his brother. the younger sibling had childish features amethyst eyes and tips with no extra bangs except for a cute little forelock that rested on his forehead.

The dog beside them was also tri-colored with tiffs of blonde and royal purple mixed in with raven black. "Yugi where are you and Heba taking me?" the elder spoke in a light baritone voice. "We are taking you to the library to see if Mana converted any more books into Braille for you otherwise I can read them out loud for you if you don't mind Yami." Yami chuckled at his brother's optimism shaking his head no.

Heba stopped as did Yugi to look in the bakery shop for bread while Yami growled inwardly at the gossip about him and his Family. Footsteps approached them while Heba growled and only one person could do that "Calm Heba, what have you brought me this time to make me give my brother to you Ushio?" Yugi said with such venom in his voice holding Yami's resting hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now, Yugi is it a crime just to look at my fiancé and to persuade you with the dowry for the trouble he is causing your family?" Yami tightened his hold on his brother's shoulder angrily "I am not yours, Ushio, and I never will so stop pestering my brother about something that will never happen."

"Oh, but it will happen if your little brother can't win at the competition of light you'll be in great debt and will have to marry off into a wealthy family to pay the debtor." Ushio jabbed knowing he would get a reaction from Yami and Yugi. Yami thought over what Ushio said even though he had confidence for his brother the seed of doubt was planted with Yami having trouble breathing. "Yami!" Yugi shouted to his brother feeling the magic in his brother press on Yami's lungs. "Come on we can head to Mana's shop and get the books later I need to get you home now." Pulling Yami to his side Yugi wrapped Yami's arm around his neck and his arm around his brother's waist walking away from Ushio who was smirking in victory 'i will break Yami's will and make him mine.'

Yugi sighed as he watched his brother sleeping soundly, with the blindfold off it let his brother 'see' the life energy around them. The potion was made to help sooth Yami's magic and heal his lungs. Kissing his brother on the forehead, whispering a goodbye and goodnight, Yugi set out on their horse Giga heading to the forest with a map and lantern. A few hours later in the forest and Yugi sighed for the nth time finally accepting he was hopelessly lost. "Alright Giga where do you think we should go left or right?" The horse stomped three times making Yugi sigh once again knowing the horse wanted to turn around and go back home. "We'll go right beside what could go wrong?" Thunder cracked across the sky, and light snow soaked Yugi to the bone wind howled like wolves around them. 'wait that's not the wind.' Yugi looked at them to see a pack of wolves surrounding them. "Giga Run!" said horse did as it was told running down the path stopping when the wolves blocked it the reared up brandishing his hooves only for Yugi to fall off landing in a bush losing his cloak. Giga ran drawing the wolves away from Yugi, who ran farther down the path to an old castle unaware of cold ruby eyes watching him.

Author's Note
Hello everyone so as you can see here is a new story, and it needs help so I would like a comment on what you think will happen next or pm me if you would want to write this story with me.

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