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It was a quaint day for you. While Saeyoung was back at his bunker finishing up some late work under the watchful eye of the very displeased Vanderwood, you stayed back at your apartment to play video games with your childhood best friend, Hye. He was a sweet guy who's always been there for you, even before you accidentally joined the RFA and fell in love with the mischievous redhead.

Ever since joining RFA, the time you've spent with Hye has been quite minimal and you missed his company just as much as he missed yours. He couldn't understand why you have been so distant lately. You haven't been able to tell him everything about RFA; only that it was an obscure charity. He was also curious about this new, mysterious boyfriend of yours that you managed to acquire.

The video game you were playing with him was starting to last for a while which took him by surprise. He was always able to beat you within a matter of minutes in the past, but now you were finally putting up quite the past. All the time spent playing video games with Saeyoung and Yoosung was really starting to pay off. Even so, you still weren't quite as good as Hye.

He let out a sigh of relief when he ultimately managed to beat you and the game ended. He chuckled at your inevitable defeat causing you to release a heavy puff of air, but there was a smile on your face nonetheless. You truly missed his company.

"Damn, [name]," he said with a laugh. "First you suddenly get a boyfriend and now you're finally decent at video games. Are you sure you're working for a charity and not some mysterious occult?"

You shoved him playfully with a bright smile on your face. "Oh, shush. This organization, along with the people within it, have really changed me. Knowing that I'm helping to do good in the world is... Lightening."

"You definitely aren't the [name] I remember."

The two of laughed for a few moments before you leaned back until your head was resting on his arm. He looked down at you with a smirk tugging at his lips. You haven't seen that smirk in so long.

"I've missed you," you whispered before closing your eyes. You always felt content when you were with him. It was a feeling similar to how you felt with Saeyoung but in a different manner. They were both two men in your life that you loved deeply. You couldn't be any more pleased that the two of them were currently in your life at once.

"I've missed you, too," he replied. "So when am I finally going to meet this mysterious boyfriend of yours? I need to make sure he's good enough for you."

You scoffed. "I didn't realize you were the judge of that."

He chuckled and nudged your arm. "But really. I want to make sure this guy is good to you. I don't even know his name!"

"I promise he is. I'll make him meet you one day and tell you his name - he's just really secretive."

"You better. How about we play another game?"

Before you could reply, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout your small apartment. You narrowed your eyes in confusion, wondering who could possibly be at the door. It certainly wasn't Saeyoung; Vanderwood would've never allowed him to leave with how much work he has piled up. Hye was the only other person besides the RFA members who you kept in contact with and he was already there.

"Do you want me to get it?" Hye asked as he sat up. You moved your head off of his shoulder and motioned for him to lay back on the couch again.

"No, no. I'll get it."

You stood up and made your way over to the door. You almost expected to see one of the familiar faces from RFA, but none of them were there. In fact, there was no one outside your door. Your brows furrowed in confusion, but you weren't going to waste time dwelling on who rang your doorbell.

Before you closed the door, your eyes lowered to the floor where you noticed an item sitting outside the doorway. A smile bloomed on your face when you noticed the bouquet of red roses laying on the ground. You bent over and picked it up to read what was written inside the notecard attached to it.

I will always admire your beauty


"Who is it?" Hye called from over on the couch.

"Someone left me flowers," you distractedly replied back. You didn't even notice Hye moved from the couch until he was standing behind you, admiring the flowers you received.

"Those are pretty. Do you know who sent them?"

Your gaze remained attached to the initial below the message and although it wasn't one he's used before, you couldn't help but believe Saeyoung was the one who sent them.

"I think... It was my boyfriend."

"Mysterious boyfriend stealing my thunder again," he teased, but you were too enamored with the surprising gift to respond.

You closed the door after bringing the bouquet inside and grabbed your phone. With a few presses of a button, you waited for the ringing of the phone to cease when he finally answered.

Saeyoung was so focussed on his work he almost didn't notice his phone ringing. A smile made its way to his face when he noticed it was from you. That was certainly a surprise he was pleased about.

"Have you called to save me from this boring work?" was the first thing he asked when he answered the phone. He didn't even need to look behind him to know about the glare Vanderwood was sending his way.


"Calm down, Ms. Vanderwood," Saeyoung teased. "It's only [name]. You like her, don't you?"

"Not as much as I like completed work," the brown-haired muttered.

"Don't annoy him, Saeyoung," you scolded. "I just wanted to call you and thank you for the flowers you sent. I love them."

"Flowers? Is this your way of hinting to me that you want me to send you flowers?"

You rolled your eyes at his antics, not that he could see you doing so. "Stop messing around, babe. I'm holding the roses right now."

He sat up in his seat with his brows furrowed in confusion. He couldn't tell at that point if you were joking or not.

"I didn't send any roses, [name]. Where are you right now?"

"At my apartment. Just... Never mind. It was probably just a mistake - meant for a different address. Forget I mentioned it."


Before he could say any more, you ended the call and warily looked at the roses you held in your grasp. Hye came up from behind you and shot you a worried glance. He knows you better than anyone; he could always tell when something was bothering you.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Y-Yeah," you stammered, forcing a smile on your lips. "He wasn't the one who sent them. It was probably just a mistake with the addresses."

He gingerly took the bouquet from you and looked at the card attached to it. "Maybe the 'S' means 'secret'? As in secret admirer?"

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at that theory. "I doubt that."

"Come on, want to keep playing the game?"

You took him up on the offer but felt uneasy. Not even playing video games with your best friend could make that feeling go away. You couldn't quite explain why you felt that way; you just knew that there was something dreadfully wrong. Little did you know, that feeling wouldn't be going away. 

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