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A faint ringing sound woke you from your slumber. With bleary eyes still not accustomed to the bright rays of sunlight that peaked through your curtains, you sluggishly patted the surface of your nightstand in a desperate attempt to locate your phone. When you finally grabbed it, you gave it a quick glance to see it was Saeyoung who was calling before answering it.

"It's too early, Saeyoung," you whined as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

"It's 10 a.m.," he replied back with a chuckle. You could faintly hear him munching on some sort of food in the background - no doubt his beloved Honey Buddha chips.

"My point exactly," you stated, your words muffled by the loud yawn that managed to make its way out of your body. Mornings were never something you particularly enjoyed and Saeyoung knew that all too well which made you curious as to why he decided to disturb you from your precious sleep. "Is something wrong?"

"Nope. Just wanted to call you to tell you that I'm almost done finishing up the last bit of work Mary Vanderwood left me. If you want, I can come over once I'm done."

Your drowsiness immediately faded away the second you heard that. Due to Saeyoung's constant busy schedule, you only got to see him once a week while the rest of your communication with him was strictly online. Him finally being able to come see you was a nice surprise that you welcomed immensely.

"I'd love that! I'll buy the soda and you bring the Honey Buddha chips?"

"You know me so well," he drawled in that playful tone of his. "I'll get back to work now. Bye bye!"

And just as quickly as he was there, he was gone. This day was already starting out to be good and all you could do was hope that it would continue to stay that way. You didn't want any more surprises; just a normal day with the man you loved most.

You quickly slid out of bed and threw on some nearby clothes. There was no need to dress to impress for something such as running to the store. You could afford to be lazy now and dress nicer later on before Saeyoung arrived. After your usual morning routine was over with, you pulled your hair up into a messy bun and left your apartment with your bag in hand.

* * *

It didn't take long to arrive at the convenience store. It was a small and quaint little place on the corner of a busy street and it was always your go-to place for items. Despite it lacking in size, it almost always had what you were looking for.

When you walked inside, you gave the clerk a small smile before making a beeline straight towards the shelves that were lined with various different brands of soda, Ph.D. Pepper included. There was no way you could acquire Honey Buddha chips quite like Saeyoung did so he was stuck having to lug a portion of his collection to your apartment if it wasn't to indulge in them.

You grabbed two of the larger bottles of soda and carried them over to the clerk who gave you a curious look. She seemed as if she was struggling to recognize you even though she didn't seem all that familiar to you.

"Ah! You're [name], right?" the clerk inquired as she scanned the soda bottles.

"Yes... Did I do something?" you questioned. The fact that the clerk knew your name wasn't what surprised you most. After all, it was a store you visited quite often. It was the fact that was so open addressing you that confused you. After all the visits you paid here, never once did a clerk remember your name. You warily placed the money on the counter as she finished bagging the sodas, but they were the last thing on your mind now.

"Oh, no! Nothing like that," she exclaimed as she pulled out a rose with a notecard attached to the stem. "Actually, when I came out from the back earlier, I found this sitting on the counter along with a piece of paper telling me to deliver this to you if you came into the store."

You hesitantly took the rose from her and opened up the card to read what was written inside.

Your beauty stands out wherever you go


Dizziness washed over you. How did this person know you would be there? He knows where you live and now he knows where you're going to be. This once harmless secret admirer was quickly evolving into a dangerous stalker, one that you didn't even know the identity of.

Dropping the rose onto the counter, you grabbed the bags of soda and rushed out of the store. Your mind didn't stop racing with thoughts until you found yourself back home. You made sure every lock on the door was in use, paranoia making you believe that just one wouldn't be enough to keep this unknown person out.

Your body felt like an empty shell as you sat down on the couch, your mind attempting to process everything. Why... Why would someone stalk you? You were a completely ordinary girl who had many acquaintances, yet very few close friends. As far as you knew, you didn't have any enemies. So why you? That was the one question you couldn't answer.

Fear overwhelmed your whole body. Even being within the comfort of your own home wasn't enough to ease your fears. Your hands shook as you grabbed your phone from your bag and dialed the numbers you knew by heart. You didn't even give him an opportunity to speak. The second Saeyoung answered the phone, you spoke right away, fear evident in your voice.

"I need you here now."

「Stalker Unknown || Saeyoung Choi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now