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Neither you or Hye spoke for a few minutes after the others left. You didn't mind the silence - you had nothing to talk about anyway - but he seemed on edge by it. It was obvious he wanted to say something to break the tension.

The television was turned on and broadcasting a random show you didn't know of. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't concentrate on it. Your mind was too preoccupied worrying about Saeyoung to pay any mind to such trivial things.

You of all people knew of his capabilities so that wasn't what worried you most. From everything you knew about Mint Eye, it was far too dangerous for him to be there, even with Vanderwood at his aid. It was true that your presence would only slow them down, but you still desperately wished you could've tagged along so you wouldn't be left in the dark like now.

"So you've been receiving messages for a few days now?" Hye asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Yes," you replied. You desperately hoped he wouldn't press for details. The last thing you wanted to do now was to recall all of those awful messages.

"And... Why did you wait until now to tell me?"

You sighed. "It was my problem, you know? I didn't want to drag you into my mess and make you worried."

His face grew rigid; it wasn't an expression you had ever seen on him before. He looked almost like a stranger to you.

"But you could tell your boyfriend, huh? Did you trust him more than you trusted me?" he asked bitterly.

"I-" you stopped yourself, struggling to think of what to say. "I didn't mean any malice by it - I just wanted to protect you!"

He merely laughed. Twisted, maniacal laughter that made a shiver run down your spine. "You want to protect me? I don't need your protection! Did it ever cross your mind that maybe you need my protection and not your useless boyfriend's? He's too stupid to do a damn thing to save you!"

Your fingers gripped at the hem of your shirt and tears welled in your eyes. You slowly started scooting yourself away from him on the couch, fearing of what he could do. A crazed look was present in his eyes; pain and rage being the only emotions he felt. This wasn't the Hye you knew and loved - no, this was a monster.

"Please... Please tell me this is all a joke," you begged softly, unable to raise your voice any more than a faint whisper. "Just some sick joke meant to scare me; one that we can laugh off later. Please, Hye."

He stopped laughing at once and his face went soft. He looked like he once did just a few minutes ago; normal and cheerful Hye. The Hye who was funny, kind, and awkward around any girl who wasn't you. The Hye who, unbeknownst to you, harbored a crush for you for years despite you never catching on.

You sniffed and a smile nearly appeared on your face. Just nearly.

In an instant, his face went dark again. You didn't even have time to react before you found yourself laying on your back with him on top of you, his hands pinning down your own while his weight forced down your legs. The terrified expression on his face only seemed to have made him smile even wider.

"I will make you mine."

Love can make one the happiest person in the world but at the same time, it can drive them to the brink of insanity. Everyone wants to be noticed and accepted by the one they love most and if they're not, they'll do whatever they can think of to get their attention, even if it means going to extreme lengths. Even if it means forcing their love onto someone.

There was no doubt about it anymore. Somehow, Saeyoung made a miscalculation. The real culprit was a lot closer and had a motive that he wasn't expecting.

It was Hye who was the unknown stalker.

「Stalker Unknown || Saeyoung Choi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now