Chapter 16- Emma

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I rolled my eyes. The couple on the other side of the street would not stop kissing.

I mean I've got no problem with PDA and stuff, but her was holding her BOOB.

You just don't do that in public. It also pretty much looked like she had her hand down the front of his pants... and on looking further through my purple rimmed glasses I could see that I was not wrong.


I shuddered and turned my head back to the conversation, away from the window and the cafe across the road.

"Yeah and I have to go to my little sister's stupid Christmas fair thing" Anny rolled her eyes and groaned in a bored voice. It didn't sound like a conversation I would be interested in at all so I fished my battered blackberry out of my skinny jean pocket to check my bbm and messages.

A few of my friends from swimming had messaged me, but it was nothing I could be totally interested in so I went off it and put my phone back away again.

I took a sip of my strawberry smoothie, wishing it was a hot drink as my tight purple sweater didn't offer much warmth, being cropped and all. I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly cold as the ice cubes floating lazily in Lizzie's mango tea, shuddering a little at the new temperature.

"Here, you're cold" said a quiet voice by my left shoulder.

I turned to see Brad leaning towards me slightly, face pink but holding out his black waterproof jacket at arms length.

"Really?" I asked, unsure, and he nodded shyly

"Yeah, I mean I'm fine, but you're cold, I mean you're shaking a bit, so yeah thought you might... um... Need it or something?"

"Thanks Brad" I replied, taking the jacket out of his hand, which trembled nervously. I wrapped it around myself, feeling Brads body heat as he had just been wearing it. I felt immediately better, but in the same way I had a strange twisty feeling in my stomach that gave me a weird happy nervous feeling like I was on a big rollercoaster and it had just done a loop the loop.

Charlie lolled back in her chair, naturally going to far and crashing onto the floor with a slight scream and a lot of cursing. I hid my laugh with my hand as Lizzie and Brad pulled her up and let her moan and gave her a chewing gum because apparently it solves all problems now.

I heard a familiar laugh outside and a crash as someone bumped against the wall. I couldn't help but smile as Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum burst in followed by Connor and Caley, all of whom were laughing like idiots as they staggered to the counter to collect their drinks.

Luke came over and sat down heavily next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as Connor sat down next to Charlie, where she immediately turned and began a conversation with a surprised Anny, the colour draining from her face as she twirled part of her purple streaked fringe around her finger, trying not to catch his eye.

Caley had her phone out, obviously texting Dan as there were about a billion love hearts across the top of her screen, and we had all overfilled the packed bubble tea shop so full that there were no more chairs left and Michael and Ashton ended up sitting on the floor.

Luke leaned over towards me, wrapping his arm more closely around my shoulders and whispered

"Do you want to go somewhere, you know, alone?"

I nodded, his lips so close to my ear there was no way I could ever refuse, and stood up, grabbing his arm and walking him towards the exit.

The last thing I saw before I left was Brad gazing after me, a forlorn expression on his pale face, glasses smudged and a little askew and steamy. I half smiled at him and nodded in what I hoped to be some kind of reassurance, but he just gazed up at me, giving me the strange rollercoaster feeling once again as Luke and I left and jogged out into the street.

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