Chapter 18- Lizzie

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Banging headaches are not exactly ideal when you have a friend that gets depressed so often all she ever does is listen to All Time Low so loud it would break any but our massive speakers.

'...Then there are days like today, when you make me want to tear my FUCKING HAIR OUT!'

"Charlie turn the music off!" I tried to scream, but it came out more of a hoarse whisper and sent my head into a spin.

"What!?" Charlie yelled, popping her head around the door, a half eaten tub of phish food Ben and Jerry's under her arm and a spoon in the other. She was still dressed in her black silk nightie with the red lace a.k.a what I called her slut outfit.

"Turn the music down?" I whispered "Aren't you supposed to work today anyway?"

"I called in sick" she said with a mouthful of ice cream

"But you aren't sick?" I half questioned

"Yeah but you are, so that makes me sick by association" she stuck the spoon she had just licked into the tub and offered it to me. I shook my head, just the smell of chocolate sauce making me feel nauseated.

"Fine, fine, turning the music down" she flapped her arms, disappearing from view. The blaring and pounding sound of the speakers dimmed to an inside volume and I could hear Charlie rollerblading in the kitchen and singing because she is a fucking weirdo.

I tried to sleep but my head continued to pound and in a few minutes I was so nauseated I had to run to the bathroom to vomit. I felt surprisingly better after I was sick so I took a shower and put on some old leggings and a shirt which advertised a band I didn't even like anymore, walking into the kitchen for a drink, the pounding in my head growing fainter.

"Any better?" asked Charlie, who was now wearing her usual black skinny jeans and black top, her bare feet still in the roller blades I had know she was in earlier.

"A bit" I admitted "I really really want a blueberry boost though, like soooo bad!" I smiled at the thought "No way am I going out though urgh imagine if I puked again!!! And James is coming over in a bit and my back bloody kills and-" Charlie caught what I was doing and interjected.

"Fine, I will get you your damn blueberry boost you manipulative little bitch!" She said, smiling to show it was a joke an picking her keys and small brown rucksack up off of the breakfast bar where she had left them the previous night. "Bye then," she called on her way out the apartment and I heard the door of the next apartment open when Connor or Dougie heard her voice. I knew by the fact that an argument immediately began that it was Connor so I went over to the sofa and put on the How I Met Your Mother DVD.

James arrived about twenty minutes after Charlie left the apartment with a sunflower in his hand which he put in water and stood on the window sill as something to brighten me up and make me feel better.

I ended up feeling nauseated and got sick again, this time in the kitchen sink despite my effort to run for the bathroom to prevent James from seeing. He was quite supportive, holding my hair and rubbing my shoulders though I knew he was grossed out but after I brushed my teeth we sat back on the couch and continued to watch the DVD. He pulled me close and told me he loved me and for the first time I was uninhibited and unafraid enough to say it back.

Then, despite all the gross ill stuff he kissed me lightly on the lips and then once on the tip of my nose and then once more on my forehead, pulling me close. We closed our eyes and sat like that for a long time and I think if fell asleep because by the time Charlie finally got back it was two and a half hours since she left.

"Jesus, sounds like there was a long line at the smoothie bar!" I croaked as she thrust me a blueberry smoothie and passed James a banana one. She was squeezing her own lemon drink so hard I thought he might end up cracking the polystyrene cup.

"What happened?" asked James, sounding simultaneously bored and concerned. As if we hadn't already guessed, she went into a long explanation of how Connor had followed her and got on the same bus as her and he lied before about having a girlfriend because he was trying to piss her off and all the while this was going on she was having an argument with Phil over text and she ended up breaking up with him and Connor laughed at her and she missed her stop and ended up on the wrong side of town and had to go back with Connor still on the bus an she freaked out and had to go and sit in the piercing parlour at blue banana because it's the only place she can calm down and now she has another cartilage piercing on her ear because she felt bad about using their room without paying for anything even though Jack that works at the place doesn't mind because they are still pretty close.

She didn't stop for breath before telling us she was leaving something for me in a Boots bag under the sink in the bathroom and then sloping off to her own room to email her friend in America.

I drank my smoothie with James but then he had to leave because he was meeting Tristan later and they were having a guys night so after he left I laid on the sofa and went and got some of my Ben and Jerry's out of the fridge.

I was digging into cookie dough when the cramps started in my stomach so I jogged into the bathroom to get some painkillers which should hopefully stop me from feeling like crap.

I opened the bottom cupboard to see it littered with Charlie's shit, my neatly arranged stuff clearly labelled and crammed into a corner to make room for all Charlie's needless tablets and beauty products and loads of condoms! I flicked through it all, trying to find some pepto bismol or something but coming up with zilch I raided Charlie's stuff until I was frozen in my tracks by a small purple case.

I unzipped it, hoping for pills (not in a druggie way) and found it full of tampons. Immediately I panicked. I knew I had skipped one, maybe even two months, but I had put it down to stress of exams and moving. But now I was sick as well this could be something else entirely, especially with James and everything.

Finally, I remembered Charlie saying about the Boots bag and ripped it open, finding the pain killers I wanted and something else.

A pregnancy test.

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