Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3

124, 125, 126, there it is, 127. I stab the old wooden door with my now precious gold key I have in my cold, shivering, hands.

The door creaks as I swing it open. Plunging into the tiny room, and settling my bags down in the first room the is to my right, which I figure is the kitchen. Bringing these bags all on my own, with no bell boy to bring them for me, is exhausting enough. Guess those are only avalible in hotels.

I explore this tiny space that I'd be spending five years in.

Walking into this minature space, I have this nice looking elegant kitchen to my right. Running through room to room, discovering that there is one big spacious bedroom that contains a king size bed inside of it.

It takes me a while to realise that there is no living room or dining room. This is a great start. But in fact there is an old looking bathroom. No laundry, no dryer. The only thing that their website informed me on this apartment, was their eye cathing view from the balcony.

Running towards the balcony and flying the door open, I get out and I over view the scenery. They were right. This view is pretty amazing. The skyscraper from up here is impecable. Breathing in the chilly but pleasant Sydney air as I close my eyes and lean towards the railing of this dusty but miniature balcony.

I get my self prepared for bed. Without unpacking my bags and only taking my basic white tee and aqua polka dotted shorts to sleep in for the night.

"Oh my gosh!" Flickering the light switch on and walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth, there it was staring right in my eyes is a huge, fat, greasy, cockroach. Giving me the biggest scare ever. I'm not scared of cockroaches, but I absolutely hate bugs and small creatures. They scare the living day lights out of me. I don't know what it is about them, but I just despise them.

Squashing the bug with some toilet paper and flushing it away in the toilet, I finally begin to brush my teeth in peace.

Heading back to the bed that is very welcoming and settling my self on it. Cuddling into the warm and fluffy lilac purple blanket around me, I begin to think. What happens if the uni has really mean lectures? What if I don't have any friends and I'll be loser of the year? What if the classes are really stupid and I want to drop out, but they won't let me? Questions begin flooding through my mind. Over thinking of all the scenarios that could happen, it causes me to not sleep for an hour and a bit. After stressing so much I fall asleep while in the process of thinking about stupid unnecessary things.

Only having five hours of sleep, the sun light that was as bright as a yellow glow stick, wakes me up by peaking through the translucent white curtains.

My day haven't even started and I'm already wanting it to end.

My phone starts to vibrate against the night stand beside me. Seeing my mum's face plastered on the screen, I answer her call.

"Yes, hello." I speak without even one eye open.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" My mother screams through the mini receiver of my slide phone.

"Mum, I still want to be able to hear you know."

"Why didn't you at least replied to my messages when you arrived?" She impatiently asks.

I huffed in annoyance at her annoying high pitch voice. "You texted me? Oh sorry my phone died so I didn't receive any of those texts you sent me."

"Gosh Sam, I thought you died in a plane crash in the jungle of Amazon." I could tell by her voice that she's looking at her imperfect cuticles. Is she really that sure of her self? Amazon is in Brazil and my plane flight didn't make a de-tour to America.

"Thanks for those kind words of yours." I roll my eyes even though I know she can't see me through this hideous phone.

"Anyways, I guess I'm glad your still alive and breathing. I'm on my way to Italy for another fashion award event. Hope your mother wins Fashion Designer of the year." She rambles on and on in her irritating high pitch voice of hers.

Hope she dies from a plane crash on her way to Italy in the jungle. Where lions and poisonous snakes kill her. That doesn't sound too harsh.

I hang up and head to the bathroom to take a soothing warm shower. My mum's harsh words replay in my already twisted mind as I wash out the jasmine scented shampoo in my long brunette hair. She's such a stuck up faced person. That only cares about her self and her love life between my father. I swear I'm nothing like her. I was probably thrown away in the garbage and they felt so sorry for me that they took me in and raised me. That's my theory. My fathers caring, but my mother is the most careless person ever. Maybe she's like my evil step mother that no one bothered to tell me about. Either way, I don't really care about it at the moment.

I've been in this shower for thirty minutes. No wonder the water has gone icy cold.

Turning the water off and only having enough hot water to wash my hair and just aimlessly standing in the warm water soothing me as I stare at the blunt looking white tiles that lies under my feet, I step out into the freezing cold bathroom as the steam from the water overcasts the mirror. With only a towel to keep me warm which isn't doing much of its purpose.

After brushing my teeth, I walk out of the bathroom in only a cold, wet, towel hugging tightly around my figured body.

Heading to my now messy suitcase, I grab my blue acid wash skinny jeans and my white basketball tee to go along with it. Since it's pretty cold here I grab my denim jacket out as well.

I put everything on with my white Converse and head out the door. Waking up at six wasn't a bad idea.

I close the door behind me and I walk through this creepy and daunting corridor. They should really consider on changing the lights.

Walking inside this warm, urine smelling elevator, my heart starts to beat faster and my palms starts to go cold and my fingers go extremely stiff.

(Chapter 3 is up! Hope you guys liked it. Please let me know if there is any mistakes and I'll gladly change it asap. Don't forget to vote! :) x)

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