Magical Stones and Fear.

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(Y/n) walked down the dirt road to the river, where the fish would jump up the mini waterfalls in the spring time. She loved watching them pop up out of the water every few minutes, even though they barely got anywhere. 

There were three waterfalls that the fish had to go through, but (Y/n) never really saw any make it pass the first one. She wished she could put as many as possible in a bucket and carry them up, but her parents warned her that she may hurt them, as they were all pregnant.

(Y/n) arrived at the river and sat at the edge of a large rock on the rocky land. As a child, she never really worried about falling off, but now, many years later, the rocks were more wet than usual. A bit slimy, too. There was more water in the river than usual, after all. Some of the rocks where she and her friend would play were now under the small waves. 

(Y/n) remembered one particular rock where there was a large, circular hole in the side. She would often look inside and see a few fish relaxing in it. Some of her classmates who came down after school would try to pull them out, or poke them with a stick. It always made her feel bad, she thought her friends would've harmed the unborn eggs inside their mothers. 

Today, instead of watching the fish jump, (Y/n) decided to collect pretty rocks. Thinking that the prettiest rocks were the whitest ones, she went for those. There were a few gray ones here and there that caught her eye, but after she climbed up the giant, rocky steps that probably weren't even natural, she could see a very beautiful stone sitting by itself in the shallow parts of the pond above the waterfalls. 

The stone had quite a few cracks in it, but within the cracks (Y/n) could see many colors. Green, Purple, Red, Blue and more. Amazed with the find, she quickly scooped it out, while scolding herself for sticking her hands in the water, and put it in a plastic sandwich bag. 

She stuck around for a bit and watched the fish jump, like she always did. She wasn't sure what she found so special and exciting about it. Yes, new lives were coming into the world, but that's always happening anyway. Perhaps she was looking at something cultural to the town or the fish? This happened every year. 

"Actually..." (Y/n) smiled as she thought some more, "the pond is very calm, and calm environments are the best places for babies!" She then frowned, "But, the waterfalls are so loud and tough. Does that disturb them in their wombs? How many survive the stress?" 

Suddenly, a quiet whirring noise passed by with the wind, and (Y/n) could feel a vibration in her pocket. She took the plastic bag containing the stone out of her pocket and saw the stone glowing and shaking. (Y/n) immediately took it out of the bag and examined it carefully, hoping it wouldn't explode in her face like ice in a glass.

"What are you doing, small thing?" She asked. The stone began to glow brighter than it had before. Quickly, it began to float as well. (Y/n) held on to it with all of her strength, and she began to float, too. "Oh, schnit!" She cried. Was she going to vanish from the face of the Earth? Was she going to be murdered by a rock? 

As these thoughts ran through her terrified mind, the world started to turn White. White to Black, then to Purple, then she saw Blue and Green. All of the colors she had seen in the cracks were dancing together before her eyes. They looked like fireworks, or lights on a christmas tree. (Y/n) was absolutely starstruck by this beautiful sight. But, what was happening? She didn't know. All she knew is that she was having a great time, despite being afraid only moments before. 

Ahead of her, she could see a small, White circle. It got bigger by the second, though, and eventually it got so large and bright that she couldn't see the pretty colors dancing anymore. 

As (Y/n) traveled through the strange circle, she could see another one ahead. This time, she saw trees and snow inside of it. It looked like a Winter Wonderland! She reached an arm out to try and touch it, to feel the trees and cold air...but then she felt pain. Pain and darkness.

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