The sale

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''Dad, Dad, Dad, Stop, he he he''

''Alright, alright but the tickle man will return''

''Okay, okay. Hey dad whats for lunch?''

''Just an onion again dear''

''Awww, but why we used to have such good food!''

''i know dear but the humans have cut us off so that we make weapons for them, but the wizard said that we cannot under no circumstances should we ever make anything for those power hungry bug bears''

''but we would get food again if we just made them, and don't we have heaps of farms and crops''

''well we did but the humans burnt them to a crisp, and i do not want to hear you talking about making weapons for them again okay? hmm''



''oh, there's someone at the door''


'' Yes yes calm your rocker, Minxi go get it please''

''Yes dad''

Minxi got up and walked over to the door and slowly opened it, through the small crack she had made she saw a well dressed human woman holding a letter, Minxi opened the door completely and the woman handed her the letter without even looking at her at all Minxi closed the door and walked into the living room. 

''Well she was rude, a HUMAN handed me this without looking at me'' She handed her father the letter. then her dad walked in from the kitchen and sat next to his husband. He took the letter and opened it, it read:

Dear Mr Silentall,

I write this letter from the imprisonment of the humans,

 they are forcing me to write these letters to every parent

 in the village, the wizard is demanding gnome children

 for work. I know you could never give up your child to

 him but you must. if you do not comply they will not

 only kill your family but the entire village, they will

 be at the village at first light tomorrow to take your 

children, for every child each family will be payed 

five hundred gold pieces, once every child is given i will return.

 i am so sorry i ask you to do this, but you must

Sincerely Davryl, 

His face dropped ''Dad what does it say whats wrong"" He handed his partner the letter and he read it loud.

''No, no, no were not giving you up no''

''But you have too or we'll all be killed dad we have too, and you get gold, lots of it!''

''we have to, we have no choice'' Everyone in the room burst into tears and went into group hug'' the next morning came and the village was silent so silent it was eerie! everyone decided to come together for there last day with there kids, they didn't even know when they would see there kids again. everyone started to whisper when a faint sound of hooves could be heard and then the hooves became louder and before you knew it the horses where towering over a tiny gnome. the same woman jumped of her horse and pulled out a scroll. And she yelled for all to hear '' When i call your name you go into one of these five carts okay? Orris, Sinybar, Mytra and slowly one by one names where called and they said goodbye and sobbing climbed into the cart. Eventually my name was called and my legs locked and i felt tears down my face and my parents embracing me. my name was called again and i moved i climbed into the fourth cart and everyone around me was crying. i just stared at my parents and cried, i looked down and in a second the last name was called and the carts lurched forward and started to trot away but the first thought that run through my head was that i never saw anybody get paid and that the warrior escorts never came with us. Only a small way down the path we heard screams and shrieks coming from our village, we all just though it was because of use leaving...

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