5:15 pm

157 0 0

Academic Oval, UP Diliman Campus

I really love walking around the academic oval at this time of day, with the rays of the sun through the branches of those gigantic acacia trees, and the sight of students and faculty pouring out of their buildings. It gives me some sort of peaceful feeling. But not today.

"Tell me why are you doing this, Sam?" My very good and very gay friend Hector asked in his usual flamboyant way as we walked to the Main Library.

"Because I want to, isn't that reason enough?" I answered as I adjusted the strap of my tote bag. "And I want to slim down a bit."

"Not your belly dancing, silly. James! Why are we doing doing this? Why are you pushing yourself to a person who we all know is not interested at all?" Rolling his eyes at me, he started looking for any sign of our other friends on the left wing steps of the gigantic building.

"Because I want to. And because I know that there's gonna be something between us." I answered, irritated. Hector can really get me fired up at times, especially when he makes sense and I don't.

"You really think?" He asked, doubtful and sarcastic. I've been friends with Hector for almost two years now and we know almost everything about each other, at least everything that has been going on since we met.

"I know... the universe is conspiring to bring us together." I said dreamily. Ever since one of my classmates read the tarot for me some months ago, I never let go of what the taros said. I don't really believe in fortune-telling and horoscopes and all that stuff but when it says something good is  about to happen, then I will believe it.

Hector shook his head as we sat down on the left wing steps of the library. "Conspiracy, huh? Here we go again with that tarot thing.:

"Indulge me, Hector. You know this is just some sort of dream for me. And just for a night, let me believe that it can come true." i sighed, half-angry, half-frustrated at him. I dropped down beside him and watched other students pass us by.

I met James around the time I met Hector. And like I usually tell my friends -- it was love at first sight. Maybe. Well. okay, not really. Because I don't believe in love at first sight.  But when I met him in that classroom many months ago, I knew big things are gonna happen between us. Eventually, we became friends. We grew closer and closer until suddenly, we grew apart. He started avoiding me. It'sbeen five months and I am still constantly trying to patch things up.

"I just don't want you having false hopes, dear." Hector's face softened. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You've been going through so much lately. And it pains me to see you try and try with James without much in return."

'They call it love." I smiled sadly. Not in a million years did I imagine myself saying those disgusting words in one sentence.

"I call it stupidity." Arnold popped up from nowhere and is now sitting behind us. Arnold, another one of my VGsquared friends, and is one of the people i call "my radar". See, I'm a super sleuth. And having as much friends as I do across campus, I never have a hard time keeping tabs on people I'd like to always be updated on. One of them is James. 

I get regular bits from Arnold (and other friends) about James without him  finding out. It's like having a dozen pairs of ears floating around campus. When I tell James about stuff about him that he didn't know that I know, I would just answer with, "I am omnipresent."

"Any news for me, Arn?" I asked, setting asid the fact that he eavesdropped on us.

"No. Not much. Same old, same old." Arnold opened his bag to look for something when, "Oh! Yes, he's going out tonight."

"I know." I smiled. "I that would be with me."

"He agreed to go out with you again?" I didn't know whether it's a hint of doubt or admiration in his voice, but there sure was something. 

"That didn't sound quite right." Hector said, smiling.

"Hey, it's the 21st century. Women are now entitled to get what they want, when they want." I said, defensively.

"But still --" Hector started.

"I know Hector." I interrupted him. "I'm looking foolish. Desperate. Wanton. Get all those big words from the dictionary, I am that. James is the one good thing that happened in my life, I don't want him to just slip away."

"Oh Sam..." Hector gave me half a hug. "Is he worth it?"

I felt tears build up in my eyes. "Yes, he is."

Hector nodded and gave me a squeeze. "We just hope that you'll be happy." His eyes strayed to my wristwatch. "Hey, aren't you supposed to get going? Almost six."

I quickly glanced at my watch and stood up. "Yes. I gotta go. See you tomorrow."

"Good luck with James!" Arnold said, a little too sweetly.

"Yeah. Whatever. Bye, guys!"

One NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon