Part Thirteen

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Shortish chapter again... blame the cold.

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"Have they found him yet?" I pester Junmyeon for the nth time.

"Not yet." He rubs my back soothingly. "I'm sure it won't be long before they do." He looks at me, concern shining in his eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I lie. Truth is, I can't rest, knowing that my beloved mate is in danger. The negative thoughts resurface. It's all your fault. Why didn't you take better care of him? You have no right to be worried. I close my eyes. Please go away.

I feel Junmyeon tuck my head into his chest. "You can cry if you want," he whispers softly.

"Won't Yixing be mad that you're this close with me?" I murmur. I know I would be irked if Baekhyun was like this with someone else.

"He won't mind. I'm sure."

You're selfish. The voice taunts. Go ahead, cry like the undeserving coward you are. You don't deserve your pack, they're always taking care of you. Cry, weep, sob, and they'll always be there. But they'll leave you at one point. Everyone does.

I shake my head as I cough uncontrollably into Junmyeon's chest. He pats my back slowly. "Here, have some water." He reaches into the little bag he carries and pulls out a small water bottle. He unscrews it and hands it to me. "Drink."

I accept the bottle, sputtering a little before being able to down some of the water. "Thanks."

Please find him.

Yixing's POV

"Hold on." Beta stops us. "I smell him, but it's faint."

I wrinkle my nose as the stench of something metallic and smoky wafts my way, masking everything else. Ew. "Melted silver," I breath, then sniff the air again, "and something else. It's not pure silver."

"We must be close!" Kyungsoo sprints ahead, his mate right on his tail.

I better follow. I morph and dash after them. Behind me, I feel the remainder of our search party trail behind.

Because I'm to concentrated on trying to decipher the mystery smell, I trip over a root and roll into the dirt. My tail falls into the earth and instantly shoots back up due to pain. Ow, ow, ow!

I groan and twist my neck to examine my injury just as Gamma and his mate run up to me.

I snarl at the knot of shimmering gray that seemed to stick itself to the tip of my tail, sending fire down my spine. Silver!

Sehun sniffs at the silver. "How are we meant to get it out?"

Gamma shakes his head. "Did you land in this?" He gestures to a tiny puddle of liquid silver beside me.

I grimace. "How did that get there?"

Gamma whacks his mate with his tail. "Go tell the others that we've got a lead. Quickly!"

Sehun dashes off, tail streaming behind him.

"Gamma?" I wave my tail frantically. "Help me?"

"Right, right." Gamma grabs my tail with his. "Keep still." I stop flailing around. He examines my tail and looks at me. "Aren't you suppose to be the medic? Tell me what to do."

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