12: Blaze Part III

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Before they could bathe, of course, Tsukishima and Hinata had to go through the process of getting fully undressed in front of one another, which was a lengthy process indeed. Each boy took turns inspecting the other's body-- trying to commit to memory every bump, every scar, every freckle-- before they were ready to remove their bottom halves. It was a little awkward, of course, but only insofar as their own insecurities. "WOAH, Kei, you're huge!", Hinata exclaimed. "Pfft, look who's talking", Tsukishima replied, grinning. He was honestly surprised that a boy of such small stature would have such impressive equipment. 'What was the saying? Big things come in small packages? Something like that.'

The two climbed into the bathtub together, Hinata laying in between Tsukishima's legs with his back against Tsukishima's stomach. "Have you ever masturbated to me?", Hinata asked randomly, interrupting a silence that lasted at least five minutes. "Eh? What kind of question is that?", Tsukishima asked as he planted kisses all along the nape of Hinata's neck. Hinata shrugged and turned his head towards the blonde. "I was just curious. I've masturbated to you, if you want to know. I've secretly been getting off to your insults for like, the last month." Tsukishima picked his lips up off of Hinata's skin. "That's sick", he said before kissing the boy again. Finally he picked his head up for more than a minute. "Of course I've-- done that .", he said. Hinata turned around again. "Yeah?", he asked happily. Tsukishima nodded. "Yeah." "When was the first time you did it?", Hinata asked curiously. Tsukishima snorted. "Hell if I know. You just started... showing up in my fantasies. Then you became all I could think about." "Aww", cried Hinata. "No", Tsukishima, "Not aww." Hinata cocked his head. "I don't understand... Why is that a bad thing? Does this have to do with Kag--" Tsukishima cut him off. He did not need to hear that name while they were sitting together, naked, in a bathtub. "No. You see, the problem was, I could never-- er-- finish to you. Ever. I was frustrated and unsatisfied for months because, as I said, you were all I could think about. I'd think about something-- anything else-- and I'd either lose my boner or you'd come right back into my head." Hinata swiveled his whole body. "But, I don't understand. Why weren't you able to get off?" Tsukishima frowned. "It was too depressing. The little, I don't know, fantasies, I guess you'd call it? I mean, you know what you do when you- uh- masturbate, right? You picture yourself with the person. You imagine it's them. You imagine how amazing they'd feel. Well, in my deranged mind, I knew I would never be with you. I couldn't even visit that fantasy, because I knew it had no chance of becoming a reality. It was too depressing."

"Everyone kept asking me what was wrong- how was I supposed to tell them 'I'm depressed because I can't masturbate'? Because, at that point, I just wanted to get rid of my stupid crush. I never once thought it would evolve into... this . I thought it was obscene for my mind to be doing the things it was to me. And then, well, when you came to talk to me, you didn't ask what was wrong. In fact, you literally said that you didn't care what was wrong. You were your normal, stupid self" "HEY" "and I appreciated it. On the bus ride home, Yamaguchi was pissed at me, but it was the best thing he could've done. Because again, you were yourself. You blew me away when you brought up that I like strawberries-- like, no one knows anything about me other than I'm apathetic, I play volleyball, and I like music, and here you are 'Oh, Tsukki likes strawberries, Tsukki doesn't like chocolate, Tsukki is 190 cm, Tsukki is more of a cat person than a dog person'. It made me feel like a person to you-- not just number 11. Not just class 4 chair 6. Not just 'Glasses' or 'Yamaguchi's best friend' and it was refreshing. And then-- when you fell asleep on me, well. I fell for you. And-- Am I talking too much?" Hinata shook his head. "No, no, please, I need to hear the rest of this story! I don't even know why you started telling me this, but please finish telling me why you fell in love with me!"

Tsukishima laughed. "Actually, I'm still talking about masturbation, believe it or not, but I guess it's all part of the same story. So anyway. Uh, awkward secret, I put my arm around you on the bus and--" Hinata giggled. "Not a secret! I wasn't asleep!" Tsukishima fell silent. "You... knew?", he asked incredulously. Hinata nodded. "Mmmhmm! I wasn't sure why you did it. I thought maybe I was just giving you a dead arm-- that seemed the most likely-- but that's when I started to think about whether or not I liked you." "Oh", Tsukishima said, blushing. Hinata splashed water across the tub. "KEI! We're naked in the bathtub together!!! You cannot be embarrassed by something that happened like, weeks ago!!!" Tsukishima laughed, "I guess you're right. Anyway. So, the ramen shop was awkward. I have no excuses for my behavior. Like, what was I even thinking?" "Ah, I was so hard at the ramen shop when you fed me!", Hinata sighed as he settled back between Tsukishima's legs. "Are you kidding me?", the blonde asked, "I was too! I was furious because I was so hard I couldn't think straight! Like, why the fuck was I feeding you in public???" Hinata giggled. "Because I'm cute?", he asked. Tsukishima nodded. "Exactly. You're entirely too cute. Well. It's nice to know we were both in a compromising situation then, and I wasn't just being a perv by myself." Hinata tilted his head backwards and pursed his lips. Tsukishima obliged and kissed the redhead deeply. "I love you, my pervert." "I love you too, you tease." "Watch what you say", Hinata warned, "or we might have to take a few more baths tonight." Tsukishima wrapped his arms around Hinata. "I'm fine with that", he said, kissing Hinata's cheeks several times.

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