If you were your own opponent.

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If you were your own opponent, would you be afraid of yourself?

You can be your single most powerful advantage or your own biggest obstruction to improvement. You can either gain momentum with every day you put under your belt, or you can stray further and further off course.

I want you to do one thing every morning. Reserve 60 seconds and stare in the mirror. Believe that the person in the reflection is capable of greatness.
Then tackle the next 24 hours with purpose and execution.

You are seeing exactly what the world sees. You are looking into the eyes of your own judge and jury, your own boss, and your own best friend. Ask yourself if you are the kind of person you would want to be judging you, to be commanding you, and to be friends with you. If you answer no to any of those questions, you need to make a change and you need to make it now.

Put up a fight to be your best, every single day. When you look in the mirror, you shouldn’t feel like you can take him. You should see a strong competitor who you respect and on some level fear, because you know what he is capable of.

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